


时间:2017-04-07 12:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:24.40]But anyway, I was about to fly to Vienna, you know... 但是不管怎么说,我都准备 去维也纳的,你知道... [00:26.40]...and we heard the news about her, and of course I had to go to the funeral. ...我们听到了她的
  • [00:24.40]But anyway, I was about to fly to Vienna, you know... 但是不管怎么说,我都准备 去维也纳的,你知道...
    [00:26.40]...and we heard the news about her, and of course I had to go to the funeral. ...我们听到了她的消息 当然我不得不去参加葬礼
    [00:31.36]Yeah, I'm sorry to hear that. 是的,听到这我很难过
    [00:32.96]I know. But you weren't there anyway. 我知道。但是无论怎样你都没去
    [00:36.84]Wait. Why weren't you there? 等等。你为什么又没去呢
    [00:41.68]I would have been there if I could have. I made plans.... 如果能去起我一定去了 我计划了...
    [00:43.80]You better have a good reason. 你最好有个好理由
    [00:47.56]What? 什么
    [00:49.32]Oh, no. 噢,不
    [00:51.72]No, you were there, weren't you? 不,你去了,是吗
    [00:54.80]Oh, no, that's terrible! 噢,不,太可怕了
    [00:57.28]I'm laughing, but I don't mean it. 我是在笑,但我不是那个意思
    [00:58.76]Did you hate me? You must've hated me. 当时你恨我吗 你一定恨我了
    [01:00.88]-Have you been hating me all this time? -No. -直到现在你一直在恨我吗 -没有
    [01:04.64]-Yes, you have. -No. -不,你恨我 -没
    [01:04.76]But you can't hate me now, right? 但是你现在不能恨我了,是吗
    [01:06.92]-I mean, my grandma-- -I don't hate you. It's no big deal. -我是说,我奶奶-- -我不恨你。那没什么
    [01:11.40]I flew all the way over there, you blew the thing off. 我千里迢迢飞过去 你却放我的鸽子
    [01:13.32]My life's been a big nosedive since, but it's not a problem. 从那以后我的生活变得一团糟 那也没什么
    [01:17.56]-No, I'm kidding. -Don't say that. I can't believe it. -不,我是在开玩笑 -别那么说。我不相信
    [01:20.68]You must have been so angry with me. I'm so sorry. 你一定很生我的气 我真的很抱歉
    [01:22.24]I wanted to be there, more than anything in the world. 我有想去那儿的,比做世界上 任何其他事的愿望都强烈
    [01:24.04]-Honestly, I swear-- -You can't be angry, my grandmother-- -说真的,我发誓-- -你不能生气,我奶奶--
    [01:26.64]I know. I honestly thought that something like that might have happened. 我知道。当时我真的在想 肯定是发生了什么事
    [01:30.00]I was definitely1 bummed2, but.... 毫无疑问我当时是不高兴 但是...
    [01:33.08]Mostly I was mad we hadn't exchanged any phone numbers or any information. 我最恼的是我们没有留下 电话号码或者其他的信息

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      日落之前      

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