


时间:2017-04-07 12:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:36.56]That was so stupid. No way to get in touch. 那真的很愚蠢 没有办法联系 [01:39.24]-Nothing to go on. -I didnt know your last name. -毫无办法 -你姓什么我都不知道 [01:43.24]Remember, we were both afraid if we
  • [01:36.56]That was so stupid. No way to get in touch. 那真的很愚蠢 没有办法联系
    [01:39.24]-Nothing to go on. -I didn't know your last name. -毫无办法 -你姓什么我都不知道
    [01:43.24]Remember, we were both afraid if we started writing and calling... 想想看,当时我们都 害怕开始写信打电话...
    [01:44.72]-...that it would slowly fade out. -lt definitely wasn't a slow fade. -...那样会慢慢的淡去 -一定会慢慢的淡去的
    [01:50.28]We wanted to pick up where we left off. 当时我们都想重温旧梦
    [01:50.68]No, it sure wasn't. 是呀,幸亏当时不是那样
    [01:52.28]Which would have been fine if it had worked. Oh, well. 到底哪样会更好。噢,是的
    [01:56.12]So.... 那么....
    [01:58.64]-How long were you in Vienna, then? -Just a couple days. -你在维也纳呆了多久呢 -只有几天
    [02:05.72]Did you meet another girl? 后来你遇到其他女孩子了吗
    [02:06.20]Yeah, her name was Gretchen and she was amazing. 是的,她的名字叫Gretchen 而且她真的很令人惊奇
    [02:08.44]The book's really a composite3 of the two of you. 实际上这本是你们俩个的综合
    [02:11.04]No, I'm kidding. You wouldn't believe-- I even went back to the train station. 不,我开玩笑的,也许你不信- 我甚至去过火车站

      [02:15.04]I put up signs of my number in the hotel in case you'd been delayed. 我把自己的电话留在旅馆里 如果你去晚的话能和我联系
    [02:20.12]-I was a total dork. -Let's go this way. Did you get any calls? -我真是个呆子 -我们从这边走。你收到电话吗
    [02:23.40]Just a couple hookers looking for a gig. 只有几个妓女来兜生意
    [02:27.24]No, it was awful, I mean, what do you want me to say? 不,当时真是太糟了,我是说 你要我说什么好呢
    [02:29.16]It's so sad. I'm so sorry. 真悲惨。真的很抱歉
    [02:32.72]I walked around for a couple days. Eventually, I flew home. 我在附近转了几天 最后,我飞回了家
    [02:33.80]I owed my dad 2000 bucks4... 我欠了爸爸2000美元...
    [02:37.68]...who had warned me about French chicks. ...在那之前他曾告诉 过我要提防法国女人
    [02:40.48]What did he tell you about French women? 他是怎么评价法国女人的呢
    [02:42.88]Nothing. He's never met any French women. 没什么。他从没见过法国女人

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      日落之前      

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