


时间:2017-04-13 12:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:57.16]-No. -Are you messing with me? -不 -你是在开玩笑吗 [02:57.56]Okay. No, Im sorry. I think-- I mean, youre right, okay? 好的,不,抱歉,我想-- 我是说,你是对的,好吗 [03:02.04]Sometimes I put things in dr
  • [02:57.16]-No. -Are you messing with me? -不 -你是在开玩笑吗
    [02:57.56]Okay. No, I'm sorry. I think-- I mean, you're right, okay? 好的,不,抱歉,我想-- 我是说,你是对的,好吗
    [03:02.04]Sometimes I put things in drawers inside my head and forget about it. 有时候我把一些事情锁在大脑中 然后把它们忘掉
    [03:04.72]It's less painful to put things away than live with it. 带着记忆生活要比 把它们搁置起来痛苦一些
    [03:07.20]What, so that night was, like, a sad memory for you? 什么,那么那天晚上的事,对你 来说好像是一个痛苦的回忆吗
    [03:09.92]I didn't mean that night in particular. 我并没有特指那天晚上
    [03:11.96]I meant certain things are better forgotten. 我是说有些事更容易忘记
    [03:15.16]I remember that night better than I do entire years. 关于那一年,那天 晚上的事我记得最清
    [03:16.96]-Me too. -Really? -我也是 -是吗
    [03:18.84]Well, I thought I did. 呃,我过去以为是的
    [03:25.92]But maybe l-- Maybe I put it away because of the fact that... 但是也许我--也许我把它 搁置起来是因为那天是...
    [03:29.28]...my grandmother's funeral was the day we were supposed to meet. ...我们要见面的那天 正好赶上我奶奶的葬礼
    [03:30.76]It was a tough day for me, but it must've been worse for you. 对我来说那是艰苦的一天 但是对你来说可能更难熬
    [03:34.28]It was unreal. I remember looking at her dead body in the coffin10... 有点儿不真实。我现在还 记得她躺在棺材里的情景...
    [03:38.40]...at her beautiful hands, so warm, so sweet, that used to hold me... ...她那双手过去常常握住我 多么美丽,多么温暖,多么恬美...
    [03:45.88]...but nothing in that coffin resembled what I remembered of her. ...但是棺材里的她再也 不想我记忆中的那样了
    [03:47.76]All the warmth was gone. 那丝温暖荡然无存
    [03:49.08]And then I was crying, so confused if I was crying... 然后我就开始痛苦 很迷茫...
    [03:51.96]...because I was never gonna see her again or never gonna see you again.... ...不知是因为再也见不到她 还是因为见不到你而哭泣...
    [03:57.04]I'm sorry. I'm sorry to go on like this. I've been a little down this week. 对不起。抱歉我总是这样 这星期我有些消沉
    [04:01.36]-Why? -I don't know. Nothing bad, just.... -为什么 -我不知道。没什么坏事,只是...
    [04:05.16]Reading your book, maybe? 也许是看了你的书吗
    [04:07.68]No, but-- Thinking of how hopeful I was that summer and fall... 不,但是--想想那年夏天 和秋天我是多么期待...
    [04:11.96]...and since then it's been kind of a.... ...从那以后就有点儿...
    [04:14.20]I don't know. 我不知道
    [04:17.48]Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past. 如果可以对过去置之不理 记忆真是一件妙事
    [04:24.08]"Memory is wonderful if you don't have to deal with the past." "如果可以对过去置之不理 记忆真是一件妙事"

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      日落之前      

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