


时间:2017-04-07 12:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:03.68]So I canceled my demand for the gun... 所以我撤回了要求 得到一把枪的申请... [01:05.72]...and I called the police and tried to complain about that cop. ...而且我打电话给 警局投诉那个警察 [01:09.92]-Wha
  • [01:03.68]So I canceled my demand for the gun... 所以我撤回了要求 得到一把枪的申请...
    [01:05.72]...and I called the police and tried to complain about that cop. ...而且我打电话给 警局投诉那个警察
    [01:09.92]-What happened with that? -lt was so much paperwork... -那事后来怎么样了呢 -有那么多的手续...
    [01:11.88]...and then I got scared, with my shitty student visa-- ...然后我就怕极了,因为 我拿的是学生签证--
    [01:14.88]-Thought you'd get deported4? -Exactly. I gave up... -害怕你被驱逐出境吗 -没错。我放弃了...
    [01:19.28]...and forgot about the whole thing. ...把这一切都抛在脑后了
    [01:21.28]-Well, I guess I never forgot. -Obviously. -不过,我永远忘不了 -很显然
    [01:24.36]But still, you know, I really enjoyed being there. 但是尽管如此,你知道 我在那儿真的很愉快
    [01:26.44]-There's lots of things I miss in the U.S. -Yeah? Like what? -我怀念在美国的很多事情 -是吗?比如说呢
    [01:31.88]Well.... 唔....
    [01:32.96]The overall good mood people have there. 那的人整体感觉良好
    [01:37.84]Like, "How you doing? " "Great." "How you doing? " "Great!" 就像,“你好吗?”“很好!” “你好吗?”“很好!”
    [01:37.88]Like, even if it can be bullshit sometimes. 虽然有时候也是胡说八道
    [01:41.64]"Have a great day!" “祝你过得快乐!”
    [01:45.92]I don't know. Parisians can be so grumpy. Have you noticed? 我不知道。巴黎人脾气很坏的 你注意到了吗
    [01:49.12]No, everybody seems pretty happy to me. 没,对我来说人人都很快乐
    [01:50.48]-They're not happy. No. -They're not happy? -他们并不快乐。不 -他们并不快乐吗
    [01:53.88]No, they are. I don't know. I just mean French men. They drive me nuts. 不,他们快乐。我不知道 我只是说法国男人,我都疯了
    [01:59.16]What is it? What about them? 怎么回事?他们怎么了
    [02:00.12]Well, they're very nice. They're great, you know, to be around. 唔,他们很好,有他们做伴很棒

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