


时间:2017-04-07 12:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:51.88]Gang violence, murders, especially serial 9 killers 10 .... 暴力团伙,杀人犯 特别是系列杀人犯... [04:56.48]But the final straw was... 但是最让我受不了的是... [04:57.96]...one night I heard some noise on my
  • [04:51.88]Gang violence, murders, especially serial9 killers10.... 暴力团伙,杀人犯 特别是系列杀人犯...
    [04:56.48]But the final straw was... 但是最让我受不了的是...
    [04:57.96]...one night I heard some noise on my fire escape... ...一天晚上我听见 防火梯上有动静...
    [00:01.24]...so I called 91 1, and the cops came eventually. ...所以我打了911 最后警察终于来了
    [00:03.32]-Like three hours later. -Yeah, after I had been raped1 and killed. -是不是三个小时后 -是的,我已经被人先奸后杀了
    [00:07.72]No, but it was a man and a woman officer. 没有,来的是一男一女俩个警察
    [00:09.68]I was explaining what I had heard... 当我正在解释我听到 什么的时候...
    [00:12.48]...when the woman had to go move the police car. ...女警察说她有事 不得不回到车里去
    [00:13.36]I was left alone with the male cop. 留下我和那个男警察在一起
    [00:17.84]Right away he asked me if I had a gun, and I said, "No, of course not." 他立刻就问我有没有枪 我说,“没,我怎么会有枪?”
    [00:21.52]And he told me, "Well, you better think about getting one. 他告诉我,“好吧 你最好考虑搞一把”
    [00:24.80]This is America, not France. Okay? " “这儿是美国,不是法国,知道吗”
    [00:26.80]And I said to him, "l have no idea how to shoot a gun... 我告诉他,“我不会开枪..”
    [00:31.16]...and I have no interest in firearms whatsoever2." “...我对任何武器都不感兴趣”
    [00:33.12]And that's when he pulled out his gun, like this, and he went: 那时他拔出了枪 就象这样,他说:
    [00:37.12]"Well, one day, you're gonna have something like this in your face... “好吧,有一天,有人会 拿枪这样对着你的脸...”
    [00:44.96]...and if you wanna have a long life... “...如果你想活的久点儿的话...”
    [00:47.68]...you're gonna have to choose between you or them." “...你必须在你和 他们之间作出选择”
    [00:52.16]And then they left. And the next morning I called for an application to get a gun. 然后他们走了,第二天我 就写了申请要搞一把枪来
    [00:55.48]Me with a gun. I mean, that's really scary. 我带着一把枪 我的意思是,真的很可怕
    [00:57.28]But then I realized something was wrong. 但是然后我就发现有些事错了
    [01:00.76]The way that cop had pulled his gun out, and everything, right? 是那个警察拔枪的方式 以及关于枪支的这一切吗

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      日落之前      

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