


时间:2017-04-07 12:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:04.36]You know, I always thought youd be doing something cool like that. I did. 我过去总想你一定会做一些很酷的事情出来 我当时真这么想 [01:08.12]Thanks. I just feel really, really lucky to be doing a job I like,
  • [01:04.36]You know, I always thought you'd be doing something cool like that. I did. 我过去总想你一定会做一些很酷的事情出来 我当时真这么想
    [01:08.12]Thanks. I just feel really, really lucky to be doing a job I like, you know? 谢谢。知道吗,能做自己 喜欢的事我真的感到很幸运
    [01:13.68]Yeah. 是的
    [01:14.20]I actually alternate in between thinking everything is irrevocably screwed up... 实际上我总在两种想法之间摆动: 一种是一切都无可挽回了,真TMD的糟透了...
    [01:18.84]...and things might be getting better in ways. ...另一种是从某些方面 看事情还是在变得更好的
    [01:22.84]Better? How could you possibly say that? 变得更好?你怎么能那样说呢
    [01:24.24]Well, I just mean, you know, like.... 唔,我只是说,你知道,就像...
    [01:26.12]I know it sounds weird3, but there are things to be optimistic about. 我知道听起来有些奇怪 但是确实有些事值得我们乐观的
    [01:29.60]Okay.... I know your book is selling, which is great, I'm very happy for you. 是啊... 我知道你的书在热销 那太好了,我很替你高兴
    [01:34.20]But let me break the news to you: The world is a mess right now. 但是还是让我来告诉你吧: 整个世界正在变得一团糟
    [01:39.12]From a Western view, things are getting a bit better. 从西方人的角度来看,事情有些好转
    [01:40.92]We're moving industry to developing nations where we can get cheap labor4... 我们正在把工业移到发展中国家去 在那儿我们能找到廉价劳动力...
    [01:44.12]...free of any environmental laws. The weapon industry is booming. ...也不用受环境法的约束了 军工业也在蓬勃发展
    [01:48.88]Five million people die a year from preventable water disease. 每年有5百万人死于可避免的水污染
    [01:52.56]How is the world getting better? I'm not angry, I'm not angry. 这个世界怎么会在变好呢 我不生气,我没有生气
    [01:53.36]But come on, I want to know. I'm interested. 但是告诉我嘛,我想知道 我很感兴趣
    [01:56.56]I realize that there are a lot of serious problems in the world. 我意识到世界上有很多严重的问题
    [01:59.40]-Okay. Thank you. -I mean, I don't even have... -好的。谢谢你 -我的意思是,我在亚洲市场...
    [02:03.28]-...one publisher in the Asian market. -Okay. All right. -...还没有一家出版商呢 -好的,那很好

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      日落之前      

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