


时间:2017-04-07 12:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.76]What are they all about? 他们都做些什么 [00:01.92]We basically work on different environment issues... 基本上说我们所作的都和环境相关... [00:03.84]...from clean water to disarmament of chemical weapons. ...从水
  • [00:01.76]What are they all about? 他们都做些什么
    [00:01.92]We basically work on different environment issues... 基本上说我们所作的都和环境相关...
    [00:03.84]...from clean water to disarmament of chemical weapons. ...从水污染到化学武器消除都做
    [00:06.08]International laws that deal with the environment. 国际法中有和环境相关的条款
    [00:10.60]-What do you do for them? -We're going this way. -你为他们做什么呢 -我们从这边走
    [00:12.84]Different things. 不同的事
    [00:15.96]Like, last year I was in lndia for a while, working on a water-treatment plant. 就像去年,我在印度呆了一阵子 帮忙处理一个水处理厂的事务
    [00:19.64]Well, the cotton industry there is a major source of pollution, so.... 唔,那儿的棉花工业是 个主要的污染源,所以...
    [00:21.68]I mean, it sounds like you're actually doing something. 我觉得,听起来好像你确实在做实事
    [00:25.20]Most people, myself included, just sit around and bitch. 绝大多数的人,包括我在内 只是坐在那儿TMD发牢骚
    [00:30.64]You know, how America's consuming all the world's resources, SUVs suck... 美国人在怎样消耗世界的资源吗,SUV真差劲...
    [00:34.96]...global warming is real-- ...全球气候在变暖--
    [00:35.40]I'm relieved to hear you're not one of those "freedom fries" Americans. 你不是那种张口闭口谈政治 的美国人我就放心了
    [00:40.52]Hey, you know.... But how'd you get into that? 嗨,你知道... 但是你怎么想到要做这种工作呢
    [00:41.96]I came out of political science, hoping to work for the government. 我原来学的是政治 本想为政府工作
    [00:46.96]-And I did for a little while. Terrible. -Not good? -而且我确实做过一阵儿。太可怕了 -不好吗
    [00:49.56]Yeah, no. Anyway, I got really tired-- Let's go this way. 是的,不好。总之,我受够了-- 我们从这儿走
    [00:52.92]Having this endless conversation with friends... 关于这事我和朋友们谈了很久...
    [00:53.80]...about how the world was falling to pieces. ...现在的世界真是分崩离析
    [00:57.68]So I decided1 what I really wanted to do was... 所以我那时决定了我要做的就是...
    [00:59.08]...to find things that could be fixed2 and try to fix them, you know? ...找到可以弥补的事情 去改变它们,你知道吗

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