


时间:2017-05-27 12:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:29.94]Over there is Here Kitty Kitty 那是小野猫俱乐部 [00:34.06]Thats where the agency held my tryouts when I was made new 我刚出厂时在那儿一鸣惊人 [00:38.62]Thats Tails. Very hoity-toity 那是大尾俱乐部,很高级
  • [00:29.94]Over there is Here Kitty Kitty 那是小野猫俱乐部
    [00:34.06]That's where the agency held my tryouts when I was made new 我刚出厂时在那儿一鸣惊人
    [00:38.62]That's Tails. Very hoity-toity 那是大尾俱乐部,很高级
    [00:41.18]I've yet to be asked to perform there 我没在那儿表演过
    [00:44.78]Only sunrise gents and sunset ladies 那儿全都是高尚的舞女舞男
    [00:47.86]Strictly Sierra Class robots who have no idea how to live 全是瑞典制造,连英文都不会
    [00:50.02]Can't even speak English. All made in Sweden. Couldn't tell a joke from a poke1 说个笑话都不会说
    [00:57.02]No cover charge. No cover charge. Step right on in
    [01:02.38]There's Mildred! I have to show you inside Mildred 美卓俱乐部,我一定要带你去
    [01:24.34]Are you her? 就是你吗?
    [01:27.74]That's Our Lady of the Immaculate Heart 她是我们的贞洁圣母
    [01:33.58]The ones who made us are always looking for the ones who made them 人类老是寻找圣母
    [01:36.06]They go in, fold their hands, look around their feet, sing songs… 他们进去下跪祷告、唱圣歌
    [01:38.66]and when they come out it's usually me they find 然后出来向我找慰藉
    [01:43.66]I've picked up a lot of business on this spot 我在这儿做了不少生意
    [01:46.42]Are the stars out tonight
    [01:51.10]- But, Joe, where's Blue Fairy? - (Stops) 乔,蓝仙女呢?
    [01:52.30]That's what we're gonna find out when we ask Dr. Know 我们这就去问万事通博士
    [01:59.62]That's where everyone goes who needs to know 他天下大小事无所不知
    [02:03.74]Meet the good doctor 这就是万事通博士
    [02:48.46]Starving minds, welcome to Dr. Know 饥渴的心灵,欢迎光临

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      人工智能      

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