


时间:2017-05-23 12:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:25.26]You dont have to accept it or even try. Its not too late to take him back 你不必接受或试用 [01:28.94]- What were you thinking? - Shh 还来得及还回去 [01:29.78]你在想什么? [01:30.98]- Ill do whatever you want me
  • [01:25.26]You don't have to accept it or even try. It's not too late to take him back 你不必接受或试用
    [01:28.94]- What were you thinking? - Shh 还来得及还回去
    [01:30.98]- I'll do whatever you want me to do. - Do you think I can just… 你要我怎样都行
    [01:33.50]- I can just… - I'll do whatever you want me to do! 你以为我能这样…
    [01:37.54]I don't know what to do 我不知道该怎样
    [01:38.38]I know, I know. I'll return him to Cybertronics first thing in the morning 明天一早我就把他还回去
    [01:43.50]It's gone 没问题
    [01:49.22]Good 很好
    [01:49.86]I mean, Henry, did you see his face? 亨利,你看到他的脸吗?
    [01:52.10]He's… (Sighs)
    [01:55.18]He's so real 他好像真人
    [01:59.86]- But he's not. - No, he's not 但他不是
    [02:02.50]I mean, inside he's like all the rest, isn't he? 他的内部是机器人,对吧?
    [02:05.22]A hundred miles of fiber1, yeah 对,内部有一百哩长的光纤
    [02:08.66]But outside, he just looks so real… 但是他的外表却像真人
    [02:13.74]like he is a child 就像一个小孩
    [02:19.14]A Mecha child 一个机器小孩
    [02:27.26]A child 一个小孩
    [03:02.22]The show of faith my company has placed on me, on us, is extraordinary 公司对我们有极大的信任感
    [03:08.50]Now, there are a few simple procedures we need to follow… 如果我们决定留下大卫
    [03:09.10]if and when you decide to keep David 就必须进行几项程序

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