


时间:2017-01-16 12:34来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:31.06]Good. 很好 [02:34.78] [02:35.30]Now, Lets move out! 现在,让我们开始行动! [02:45.74]- I call the front! - Middle back! - 我坐前面 - 中间! [02:50.46]Fine, Ill get the back. 好,我坐后面 [02:51.54](Zoe) Y
  •   [02:31.06]Good.  很好
      [02:35.30]Now, Let’s move out!  现在,让我们开始行动!
      [02:45.74]- I call the front! - Middle back!  - 我坐前面 - 中间!
      [02:50.46]Fine, I'll get the back.  好,我坐后面
      [02:51.54](Zoe) Yeah, he's kind of a dork, but he's okay.  是啊,他是有点呆,但他还好
      [02:52.58]- (Julie on phone) How's Helga? - Helga’s fine.  - Helga还好吗? - Helga很好
      [02:56.02]- When are you getting home? - I'm sorry...  - 你什么时候回家? - 我很抱歉弄了那么久……
      [02:56.50]Look, Mom, I'd Love to stay and chat all day, but I have homework to do.  瞧,妈妈,我是很想呆着整日聊天,但是我有功课要做
      [03:16.86](cash register beeping)
      [03:23.54]Oh, no! They're back!  噢,不!他们回来了!
      [03:32.18]Hey, Skeever, what glows in the dark till you squish 'em?  嘿,小骗子 什么东西在你挤压的时候会在黑暗中发光?
      [03:34.34]Fireflies!  萤火虫!
      [03:36.02](boys Laughing)
      [03:45.70]This is troop 1 6 territory.  这里是16分队的地盘
      [03:45.90]Please. Leave us alone.  拜托,离我们远点
      [03:50.30]How are we supposed to sell raffle2 tickets  这里到处散发着饼干的臭气
      [03:51.06]if this place reeks3 of your skanky cookies?  我们还怎么卖出很多票子?
      [03:52.74]Hey! Hey!  嘿! 嘿!
      [03:55.82]- Boo! - (girls screaming)
      [03:57.50](boys Laughing)  滚开!
      [04:00.22](boys) Get outta here!
      [04:00.78]- These cookies taste disgusting. - I know.  这饼干真难吃 我知道
      [04:05.78]- We really scared these guys. - Where are my troops?  我们真的吓到她们了 我的分队呢?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超级奶爸      

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