


时间:2017-01-16 12:31来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:59.18]You ever, uh, do any time? 你,唔,健身过吗? [02:59.82] [03:00.54]- (low) Sasquatch. - (Zoe giggles) 北美野人 [03:04.26]- You got something to say, boy? - No. - 你有什么话要说吗?孩子 - 没 [03:06.90]No? G
  •   [02:59.18]You ever, uh, do any time?  你,唔,健身过吗?
      [03:00.54]- (low) Sasquatch. - (Zoe giggles)  北美野人
      [03:04.26]- You got something to say, boy? - No.  - 你有什么话要说吗?孩子 - 没
      [03:06.90]No? Good.  没有?很好
      [03:07.98]Wow, it Looks Like you have a pair of Legs  哇,看起来就好像你有一双腿
      [03:11.38]coming out of your shoulders.  要从你肩膀里蹦出来
      [03:15.30]- You hit the gym a lot, do you? - Eh.  - 你经常去健身房,是不是? - 唔
      [03:17.38]- (low) Woolly Mammoth3. - You know what, Creeper?  - 长毛猛犸 - 你知道吗,鬼鬼祟祟的家伙
      [03:19.22]You just bought yourself an extra 1 5 minutes on the mats.  你只是给自己在垫子上多争得15分钟
      [03:22.30]With the Murninator!  和Murninator一起!
      [03:25.22]Excuse me. Lieutenant4 Shane Wolfe.  对不起,我是雪恩 沃尔夫上尉
      [03:29.98]I'm watching the kids for the Plumbers5. A few days.  我为Plummer看孩子,就几天
      [03:31.34]Oh, babysitter, huh?  噢,保姆,嗯?
      [03:34.94]Well, good. Whatever job you can get, right?  噢,那很好,任何你能找到的工作,对不对?
      [03:37.54]I'm Murney. Duane Murney.  我叫Murney,Duane Murney
      [03:40.94]My friends call me ''Little Puppet.''  朋友们叫我“小木偶”
      [03:41.58]I'm the VP here.  我是这儿的副校长
      [03:44.42]I'm in charge of discipline, conduct and truancy  我管纪律,教导和逃课
      [03:46.86]from top to bottom, K through 1 2.  从头至尾,从K到12
      [03:52.06]You're in my house now, strong man.  你现在在我的房子里,强壮仔
      [03:55.66]- You're the vice principal. - And the wrestling coach.  - 你是副校长 - 也是摔跤教练
      [03:58.50]See the Creeper over there?  看见那儿鬼鬼祟祟的人吗?
      [03:59.42]He has played hooky from every wrestling practice this month.  他在这个月翘了所有摔跤练习
      [04:05.10]And her, she has missed 22 Driver's Ed classes.  还有她,她翘了22节驾照课
      [04:06.54]Out of 23!  在一共23节课中!
      [04:10.94]These are the worst students in my school.  这些是我学校最差的学生
      [04:11.54]- I'm ashamed... - (woman) Your school?  - 我很惭愧…… - 你的学校?

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