


时间:2017-09-12 12:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:10.59]Fuck you, whore. 滚一边去 混蛋 [02:12.92]Now, most shoppers at Valentines Day- 现在很多商店都在为情人节做准备.. [02:15.80]Mr. Vance, are you firing me? No. No. - 万斯先生 你要解雇我吗 - 不 不 [02:18
  • [02:10.59]Fuck you, whore." 滚一边去  混蛋 "
    [02:12.92]Now, most shoppers at Valentine's Day- 现在很多商店都在为情人节做准备..
    [02:15.80]Mr. Vance, are you firing me? No. No. - 万斯先生 你要解雇我吗   - 不  不
    [02:18.76]Relax, Hansen. You're one of the good ones. 放松点 Hansen  你是我见过的最好的一个
    [02:21.89]Okay. Uh, yeah, I'm sorry. 恩  呃  抱歉
    [02:24.60]Things have been a little difficult. 有点复杂
    [02:26.69]That's okay. I completely understand that. 没事  我很清楚这一切
    [02:30.11]I'm just saying that perhaps you could channel those energies, 我觉得你应该把你的状态引导到..
    [02:34.61]um, into something like this. 引导到类似的事情上
    [02:41.62]Funerals and sympathy. 葬礼和吊唁
    [02:43.66]Misery, sadness, loss of faith, 痛苦  悲伤  失去信心
    [02:47.12]no reason to live. 活不下去
    [02:49.33]This is perfect for you. 很适合你
    [02:51.96]Uh- Good. Okay. - 呃..  - 很好
    [02:54.50]Now back to work you go. - 继续工作吧
    [02:58.55]Thank you. 谢谢
    [03:19.15]Hey. Hey. - 嗨   - 嗨
    [03:21.16]Don't you have, like, 20 cards to write by Friday? Nope. All done. - 你不是周五前要写20张卡片吗   - 全写完了
    [03:23.87]Really? Can you help me? 'Cause I've run out of ways to say "congrats." 真的假的  能帮帮我吗  我已经用尽那些 " 恭喜 " 了
    [03:27.00]Okay. I got "Good job," "Well done" and "Way to go." 我这里有 " 不错 "  " 好样的 "  " 干得好 "
    [03:30.79]That's it. 就这些了
    [03:32.50]How 'bout2, "Every day you make me proud, " 你每天都让我感到骄傲

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      恋夏500天      

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