


时间:2017-08-30 12:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:52.48]...or for my phone number? 却连我的电话号码也不问? [02:55.48]- I cant read. - Oh, shut up. -我是不识字 -少来了 [02:56.36]That was one of the goofiest things Ive ever seen, but I thought: 这是我见过最蠢的招
  • [02:52.48]...or for my phone number? 却连我的电话号码也不问?
    [02:55.48]- I can't read. - Oh, shut up. -我是不识字 -少来了
    [02:56.36]That was one of the goofiest things I've ever seen, but I thought: 这是我见过最蠢的招数了 但我想...
    [03:01.36]"Hey, if this guy is so desperate to meet me... 要是这家伙真这么想认识我...
    [03:04.40]...he might be worth talking to." 也许值得跟他聊聊
    [03:05.52]But then I get stiffed. 结果我被骗了
    [03:07.92]No, no, no, this is what happened. I... 不,事情是这样的...
    [03:09.20]Mahalo for the ego3 boost. 真有你的
    [03:13.24]- You're right. You're right. I feel like... - No worries. -你说的对,我觉得... -我无所谓
    [03:16.96]I gotta... I can read a little! 我是识一点字
    [03:19.76]I didn't know I came before E! That one I didn't know, I swear. 我不知道I都在E后面 这点我真的不知道
    [03:22.32]Oh, you idiot. 超级白痴
    [03:24.32]I hope you're happy, Shamu. 这下你高兴了吧,死胖子
    [03:32.48]Marlin. It 's Sue. 马林,我是阿苏
    [03:45.20]- Oh, aloha, sir. My name's Henry... - I know who you are. -阿啰哈,先生,我叫亨利... -我知道你是谁
    [03:51.24]- I want to apologize to your daughter. - Not gonna happen. -我想向你女儿道歉 -不必了
    [03:54.80]She's inside. We're gonna straighten things out. 她在里面,让我们把话讲清楚
    [03:56.48]Dad, the damn mongoose got in the garbage again! 阿爸,野狗又来翻垃圾了
    [04:02.40]- Is this the guy? - Yeah. -就是这家伙? -对
    [04:05.08]Mr. Roth, I have one simple request: 罗先生,我有个小请求
    [04:08.64]Stay away from my daughter. 离我女儿远点

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      初恋50次      

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