


时间:2016-10-30 14:05来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:17.00]Were mighty fine 说什么? [01:18.36](ALL WHOOP) 我们是最棒的 [01:18.56]Say what? [01:20.64](ALL WHOOP) 我们是最棒的 [01:22.04]Were mighty fine [01:25.52]Crenshaw Heights! 克安萧高地中学 [01:30.20]Britney Cheer
  •   [01:17.00]We’re mighty fine 说什么?
      [01:18.36](ALL WHOOP) 我们是最棒的
      [01:18.56]Say what?
      [01:20.64](ALL WHOOP) 我们是最棒的
      [01:22.04]We’re mighty fine
      [01:25.52]Crenshaw Heights! 克安萧高地中学
      [01:30.20]Britney Cheers, what was that? 布兰妮队员 这是什么?
      [01:36.80]Spirit fingers. 鼓舞的手势
      [01:37.28]Everybody does spirit fingers. 大家都做鼓舞的手势
      [01:42.72]I’ve got a spirit finger for you. 我来给你做个鼓舞的手势
      [01:45.24]Oh, so you’re the only one who can contribute ideas? 你是唯一一个能提想法的人?
      [01:48.40]That’s right. 非常对
      [01:50.68]This is not a cheer-ocracy. And there’s room for one captain only. 这可不是什么啦啦队民主 队长的职位只有一个
      [01:56.64]You understand that? 你明白吗?
      [01:59.04]All right, we need to work on these stunts2 for this audition3. 好了我们需要为试演继续练习
      [01:59.12]Whatever. 随便
      [02:05.68]- What audition? - The Rihanna TV special. - 什么试演? - 瑞翰纳电视特别节目
      [02:10.48]You can visit my website, Cheerwhore. Com. 你们可以访问我的网站啦啦妓女.Com
      [02:14.92]One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
      [02:17.40]- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. - Go on, go on. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - 继续 继续
      [02:21.80]One, two, three, four. 1, 2, 3, 4
      [02:26.36]Okay. Do it again. 好了 再做一次
      [02:28.08]Winnie, can I stop now? 温妮 我能休息了吗?
      [02:31.36]Are you still thinking about food? 你还在想着吃的?
      [02:34.92]Yes. 是的
      [02:35.84]Then, no. 那么 不行
      [02:38.08]Keep running until you’re not hungry. 继续跑直到你不饿为止
      [02:39.60]Why are we practicing out here? Britney always had us work out in the gym. 为什么我们在这里训练? 布兰妮一直让我们在体育馆里训练的

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