


时间:2016-10-30 14:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:43.36]There was a reason for that. 这总是有原因的 [02:46.76]Look, Britneys gone now, so Im making some changes. 听着 布兰妮已经走了 所以我要来点改变 [02:48.92]- Starting with the audition. - Britneys routine will
  •   [02:43.36]There was a reason for that. 这总是有原因的
      [02:46.76]Look, Britney’s gone now, so I’m making some changes. 听着 布兰妮已经走了 所以我要来点改变
      [02:48.92]- Starting with the audition. - Britney’s routine will make her immoral4. - 从预演开始 - 布兰妮的舞步能让她不齿
      [02:53.52]It’s "immortal," Sierra. 是"不朽" 赛拉
      [02:57.08]It’s irrelevant5, Amber6. I’m captain now, so get over it. 这不搭架 安珀 现在我是队长 别有意见了
      [02:60.48]AMBER: I am so not over it, Winnie. 我没法没意见 温妮
      [03:03.96](MUSIC PLAYING)
      [03:04.92]Watch and learn. 看了好好学
      [03:22.52]GIRL: What the... What are you doing? 这是...你在干什么?
      [03:44.72]- Somebody get that girl a pole. - GIRL: Yeah, for real. - 谁给她找跟钢管 - 是啊 没错
      [03:51.68](SINGING) S-L-U-T S-L-U-T(荡妇)
      [03:54.68]What does that spell? Winnie! 拼成什么? 温妮
      [03:55.96]No, it doesn’t. 不 不是的
      [03:58.40]You know, as captain, I could kick your ass7 off this squad8. 你知道 作为队长 我可以把你踢出啦啦队
      [04:02.32]And as a black belt, I could just kick your ass. 作为空手道黑带级 我现在就能踢你的屁股
      [04:03.00](BRAD CLAPPING) 是的 那真是... 你们应该...
      [04:04.40]Yes, that was... You guys should...
      [04:08.64]Wow. Yeah, Winnie. Winnie, Winnie, Winnie. 哇哦 温妮 温妮 温妮 温妮
      [04:22.88]Can you help me out? 你能帮我吗?
      [04:24.48]Yeah. I’d be happy to. 当然 我很乐意
      [04:27.68]All right. I’ll swing by later then. 那好 我晚些再来
      [04:28.96]What’s up, Amber? 怎么了 安珀?
      [04:32.04]You tell me, Brad. 你来告诉我 布拉德
      [04:38.16]AMBER: And this is why we practice in the gym! 这就是为什么我们要在体育馆训练!

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