


时间:2016-10-30 13:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:07.08]Heifer? 小母牛? [02:09.68]Did you just call me fat? And I did not just talk about your mama. 你刚才在说我胖? 而且我刚才又没说你妈妈什么 [02:11.44]FYI, you did. 你他妈的蠢货 你确实这样做了 (FYI=F
  •   [02:07.08]Heifer? 小母牛?
      [02:09.68]Did you just call me fat? And I did not just talk about your mama. 你刚才在说我胖? 而且我刚才又没说你妈妈什么
      [02:11.44]FYI, you did. 你他妈的蠢货 你确实这样做了 (FYI=Fuck You Idiot)
      [02:13.64]You speak IM? NFW! 你在说缩略语? 不可能! (NFW=No Fucking Way)
      [02:18.72]Oh, no. This girl didn’t called you the N word. 哦 这可不行 这丫头骂你
      [02:20.32]- Oh! - CAMILLE: Take them. - 哦! - 拿着
      [02:21.88]I would never. Some of my best friends live next door to black people. 我才不会 我有些好朋友的邻居就是黑人
      [02:24.00]Oh, hell, no. Camille, come on. We gonna be late to class.
      [02:25.36](BELL RINGING) 该死 不 卡蜜儿 快点 我们上课要迟到了
      [02:28.08]Yeah, she right, girl. We better go. I ain’t trying to get detention4. 她说得对 丫头 我们最好走 我可不想留堂
      [02:31.12]Count your blessings5, white girl, ’cause you just got lucky. 你应该庆幸 白人女孩 这回算你走运
      [02:37.92]Cut you. 割了你
      [02:39.96]I feel scared, maybe a little nauseous, but I definitely don’t feel lucky. 我觉得害怕 也许海有点想吐 但绝对没有觉得幸运
      [02:55.80](BEEPING) 哦 等一下
      [02:57.20]Oh, hold on, now.
      [02:60.24]What is this, LAX? 这算什么 国际机场吗?
      [03:09.12]I have my ears pierced. 我有耳洞
      [03:16.36]Hello, Sherlock. Another piercing. 你好 私家侦探 另一个穿洞
      [03:25.92]They’re my keys, you perv. 是我的钥匙 你个变态
      [03:27.88]- Would you give the girl her bags? - Thank you. - 把这女孩的包给她 - 谢谢
      [03:30.36]Hey, what’s wrong with you? 嗨 你什么毛病?
      [03:35.72]STUDENT: Come on, man. 别这样 兄弟
      [03:51.44]Is this English? Are you Mrs. Webster? 这是英语教室吗? 你是韦博斯特夫人?
      [03:54.16]It is, I am, and you’re late. 是的 我是 你迟到了
      [03:56.60]Well, I was going through airport security. 我刚通过机场安检
      [03:59.08]Class, meet Britney Allen. She’s a transfer from Pacific Vista6 High. 同学们 见见布兰妮 艾伦 她是从远洋高中转过来的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      美少女啦啦队      

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