


时间:2017-08-23 12:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:31.28]Sam, help me with this. 山姆,帮帮忙 [03:35.56]- That all you got, Megatron? - Come here, little cretin. 霸天虎,你只有这点料? 来呀,小东西 [03:41.32]You want a piece of me? You want a piece? 你想跟我单挑
  • [03:31.28]Sam, help me with this. 山姆,帮帮忙
    [03:35.56]- That all you got, Megatron? - Come here, little cretin. 霸天虎,你只有这点料? 来呀,小东西
    [03:41.32]You want a piece of me? You want a piece? 你想跟我单挑吗?
    [03:44.12]No! I want two! 不,我想把你剥成两半
    [03:47.60]What's going on? 怎么回事?
    [03:51.40]Sir! That tank thing's getting back up. 坦克车机器人又在动了
    [03:53.44]Oh, these things just don't die. 这些机器人就是死不了
    [03:58.80]Oh, we're so dead. 我们死定了
    [04:02.20]- Wrap it around the head. - Sam! 绕住他的头 山姆
    [04:03.72]Where's the Cube? 方块在哪里?
    [04:05.12]- Right there. - Okay. 那里
    [04:06.40]And take that and wrap it around the base and then put it around his neck. 从底下绕到他的脖子上
    [04:09.08]- Okay? - Epps, get those Black Hawks2 here! 通知黑鹰直升机过来
    [04:13.48]That building. 那栋大楼
    [04:16.44]- Okay. - What? 好吧 什么?
    [04:18.04]All right, I can't leave my guys back there, so here, take this flare3. 我不能丢下我的弟兄,把信号弹拿去
    [04:21.32]Okay, there's a tall, white building with statues on top. 有一栋白色高楼,上面有雕像
    [04:24.80]- Go to the roof. Set the flare. - No. 登上屋顶,发射信号弹
    [04:28.04]- Signal the chopper and set the flare. - No, no. I can't do this! 向直升机发出信号 不行,我办不到

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