


时间:2017-08-22 12:24来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:42.88]Judy! Judy, get under the table! Move it! Duck and cover right now! 老婆!老婆,快躲到桌子底下 赶快躲起来 [02:46.76]How did you get over there so fast? 你的动作怎么这么快? [02:49.36]Wow! That was tingly
  • [02:42.88]Judy! Judy, get under the table! Move it! Duck and cover right now! 老婆!老婆,快躲到桌子底下 赶快躲起来
    [02:46.76]How did you get over there so fast? 你的动作怎么这么快?
    [02:49.36]Wow! That was tingly! 哇塞,痒痒的耶
    [02:52.96]- You got to try that! - Yeah, that looks fun. 你要不要试一试 看起来很好玩
    [02:59.92]- Sam? - Sammy? 山姆? 山姆?
    [03:02.56]- What the hell is that? - I don't know. 那是怎么回事? 我也不知道
    [03:06.32]- Sam? - That's weird3. 山姆? 怪了
    [03:07.80]- Sam! - Ratchet, point the light. 山姆 飞轮,照这边
    [03:09.00]- Come on, hurry. - Listen, we got a major issue in here. 快点 听好,麻烦大了
    [03:13.00]What's with the light? You gotta stop the light. 干嘛开灯?快点关掉
    [03:15.36]What's going on? Turn it off. You gotta tell him to shut it off. 叫它关灯
    [03:16.44]How come the door's locked? 房门怎么锁住?
    [03:17.36]- Shut it off. - Sam, are you in there? 你在里面吗?
    [03:18.12]You know the rules. No doors locked in my house! 你知道规矩,家里不准锁门
    [03:21.04]You know he'll start counting 你不开门他就要倒数
    [03:23.60]- if you don't open the door! - One more chance. Five... Oh, dear. 5、4...
    [03:27.68]- Four. It's coming off the hinges, pal4. - He's counting! 他在倒数了
    [03:29.16]- Sam, just open the door. - Three. - Oh, my. - Two. 快开门 3、2...
    [03:30.28]- He's counting. - Stand back. 他在倒数了
    [03:34.56]- What's up? What's with the bat? - Who were you talking to? 怎么了?你拿球棒干嘛? 你在跟谁讲话?
    [03:37.64]- I'm talking to you. - Why are you so sweaty and filthy5? 跟你讲话呀 你怎么满身大汗又脏又臭?
    [03:41.04]I'm a child. You know, I'm a teenager. 我是小孩子,我是青少年呀
    [03:41.88]We heard voices and noises and we thought maybe you were... 我们听到噪音,我们以为...
    [03:45.20]It doesn't matter what we thought. What was that light? 这不重要,怎么会有灯?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      变形金刚      

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