


时间:2017-08-14 12:36来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:19.92] Hog 6 One-One Dark Star status. 疣猪攻击机请回报 [03:20.04]Strike, tell me status of Hog right now. 情况如何? [03:24.88]- Lennox! The heats coming! - Laze the target! 蓝尼,飞弹来袭! 用雷射光瞄准目标
  • [03:19.92]Hog6 One-One Dark Star status. 疣猪攻击机请回报
    [03:20.04]Strike, tell me status of Hog right now. 情况如何?
    [03:24.88]- Lennox! The heat's coming! - Laze the target! 蓝尼,飞弹来袭! 用雷射光瞄准目标
    [03:28.68]We got a beam-rider incoming! Laze target! 那是雷射光追踪导弹
    [03:38.44]- Ready! Heat's coming! - What? Bring it! 飞弹来袭! 什么?尽管来!
    [03:40.24]Receiving radar8 jamming in vicinity of target. 雷达受到干扰
    [03:59.08]No frigging way that thing's still not down. 那玩意不可能没被摧毁
    [04:00.68]Spooky Three Two, use 105 shells. Bring the rain. 轰炸机,使用105厘米炸弹 全面轰炸!
    [04:07.56]Be advised, ground team is requesting 105 sabot rounds. 地面小组要求105厘米炸弹
    [04:38.36]Did we lose them? 失去讯号了?
    [04:40.04]Warthog One confirm visual on friendlies. 疣猪一号,请确认看到友军
    [04:45.72]Where's Fig? 费格呢?
    [04:56.84]- I'm sorry. - Black Hawk9... We'll get a medic. Just hold on. He's got a pulse. 我们会找医官,撑下去,他还有脉搏
    [04:57.36]We need a medevac. One man down. Patient care category urgent. 快救他
    [00:03.12]Bring them home. 带他们回家
    [00:06.52]You get those men stateside right now. 把那些士兵带回美国
    [00:09.00]I want them debriefed1 in 10 hours. 十小时后进行简报
    [00:18.80]There's only one hacker2 in the world who can break this code. 世上只有一个骇客能破解密码
    [00:32.16]Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Wait! Stop! 喂,停车!
    [00:37.40]I am sorry to bother you. 抱歉打扰你
    [00:39.40]- Maggie? - Listen, I need your help. 玛姬? 我需要你的帮忙
    [00:43.36]No! This is my private area, my place of Zen and peace. 拜托,这是我的秘密基地 让我打坐思考的地方
    [00:47.76]- Listen to me. - Glen! Who is it? 葛伦,是谁呀?
    [00:48.84]Shut up, Grandma! 闭嘴,奶奶!
    [00:51.76]- What are you doing here? - Just give me a break, will you, please? 你跑来这里干嘛? 帮我个忙

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