


时间:2018-05-24 12:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:37.28]Yes. Bang goes a lot of peoples holidays this year. 是啊。砰的一声炸掉了许多人今年的假期。 [03:42.68]HILDA: The Yanks wont come dropping in. 扬克一家不会来玩了。 [03:44.56]Oh, no. Not unless to help us
  • [03:37.28]Yes. Bang goes a lot of people's holidays this year. 是啊。"砰"的一声炸掉了许多人今年的假期。
    [03:42.68]HILDA: The Yanks won't come dropping in. 扬克一家不会来玩了。
    [03:44.56]Oh, no. Not unless to help us against the Russkies. 哦,是,至少不会帮着我们打俄国佬了。
    [03:46.92]Remember in the war? "Got any gum, chum?" 还记得战争那会儿吗?“要口香糖么,朋友?”
    [03:49.48]We used to stand on the railway embankment, 我们曾并肩站在铁路的路堤上,
    [03:52.28]and the Yanks used to shower us with gum and chocolate and K Rations10. 扬克给我们看他的口香糖、巧克力和军用口粮。
    [03:55.64]Terrific, it was. 那太可怕了。
    [03:57.80]I wonder if the Russkies chew gum. 我想知道俄国佬是不是也会嚼口香糖。
    [03:59.96]"Got any gumski, comrade?" “要口香糖么,同志?”
    [04:02.12]You won't be able to say that, James. They're the enemy. 你不能那样说话,James。他们是我们的敌人。
    [04:06.76]Oh, yes. I keep forgetting. 哦,对。我太健忘了。
    [04:10.56]Crumbs! 天哪!
    [04:10.96]We won't have to try and kill them, will we? 我们不必尝试杀人吧?
    [04:15.84]Oh, I... I suppose so. 噢,恐怕..是的。
    [04:16.92]That's what you're supposed to do to the enemy, isn't it? 那正是你想对敌人做的,不是么?
    [04:20.88]Crumbs! I hadn't really thought of that. 天哪!我从来没这样想过。
    [04:24.68]You mean to say if one of them comes through that door this afternoon, 你的意思是如果今天下午有人穿过门进来,
    [04:28.36]I'm supposed to try and kill him? 我将会杀了他?
    [04:30.52]Well, not you, James. After all, you're retired. 好吧,不是你去,James。不管怎样,你已经退休了。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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