


时间:2018-05-17 12:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:56.74]Well, in that case, youd er... 好吧,那时你最好...呃... [04:00.38]just add a few more doors. 再增加一些门吧。 [04:03.02]Theres... no wall space for more doors. 没有...更多的位置可以放门了。 [04:05.74]O
  • [03:56.74]Well, in that case, you'd er... 好吧,那时你最好...呃...
    [04:00.38]just add a few more doors. 再增加一些门吧。
    [04:03.02]There's... no wall space for more doors. 没有...更多的位置可以放门了。
    [04:05.74]Oh. No. 哦,不。
    [04:07.90]Well, our Ron was never a skinhead, anyway. 嗯,Ron从不剃光头。
    [04:14.38]What on earth are you putting the food in there for? 我们该把食物藏在哪里呢?
    [04:15.62]Well, that's where it's got to be. 唔,它们该放在这儿。
    [04:17.78]But why can't it stay in the larder9 and fridge? 为什么不能把它们放在储藏柜或者冰箱里呢?
    [04:20.78]Because we must not emerge for the 14 days of the national emergency. 因为在长达两周的国家非常时期里我们都不能出来。
    [04:25.74]You're not saying we've got to stay in that thing for two weeks, are you? 你的意思是我们必须待在这个地方整整两个星期?
    [04:28.78]Yes, dear. Ours not to reason why. 是的,亲爱的。我们不必问为什么。
    [04:30.50]Now we must do the correct thing. 此刻我们只需要做正确的事情。
    [04:32.66]Well, what about the cooking, then? 好吧,那么做饭的事儿怎么办呢?
    [04:34.82]How do I get to the cooker? 我怎么去炉子边?
    [04:38.38]We'll just have to use the little picnic stove, dear. 我们就用野餐炉吧,亲爱的。
    [04:41.22]- What about the toilet? - Well er... -上厕所该怎么去? -呃...
    [04:42.94]Well, we'll have to have a potty, or something. 这样,我们用夜壶,或者别的什么代替。
    [04:44.50]I can tell you now, James Bloggs, 我想说的是,James Bloggs。
    [04:49.06]that I am going to go upstairs in the proper manner. 我要上楼去,维持正常的生活方式。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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