


时间:2018-05-24 12:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:48.64]Put the kettle on, will you, ducks? 打开你的水壶,亲爱的。 [03:53.84]Theres no water, dear. 里面没水了,亲爱的。 [03:54.48]Oh, no, no. Of course. 哦,对,对,当然。 [03:58.28]Just... Just have to have
  • [03:48.64]Put the kettle on, will you, ducks? 打开你的水壶,亲爱的。
    [03:53.84]There's no water, dear. 里面没水了,亲爱的。
    [03:54.48]Oh, no, no. Of course. 哦,对,对,当然。
    [03:58.28]Just... Just have to have milk, then. 那..喝牛奶吧。
    [04:00.16]That pint's gone bad, dear. 牛奶坏了,亲爱的。
    [04:04.08]The fridge has been off. 冰箱没有电。
    [04:07.20]Oh, heck! Well er... 哦,真见鬼!好吧,那就..
    [04:09.44]...a black coffee, then. 来杯黑咖啡吧。
    [04:10.96]There's still no water, dear. 还是没水啊,亲爱的。
    [04:16.52]Well, what... What are we going to drink, eh? Eh? 嗯,那..我们喝什么呢,呃?呃?
    [04:18.16]What... What... What are we going to drink, for God's sake? 我们能喝什么呢,看在上帝的份儿上?
    [04:24.04]Don't shout, dearest. 别吵了,亲爱的。
    [04:25.96]I'm sorry, love. 对不起,亲爱的。
    [04:28.12]I'm just... terribly thirsty. 我只是..太渴了。
    [04:31.28]How about a nice sweet, dear? 来块糖怎么样,亲爱的?
    [04:33.16]It's a blackcurrant fruit pastille. 一块黑醋栗味道的水果片儿。
    [04:39.20]HILDA: (Gasps) There's only one left. (喘着气)只剩一块了。
    [04:42.56]JIM: You have it. - No, you have it. 你吃吧。 -不,你吃。
    [04:46.72]We'll er... We'll cut it in half. 那我们..我们平分。
    [04:48.88]That's... That's fair. 嗯..可以。
    [04:53.32](Hilda screams) (Hilda尖叫)
    [04:56.16]- Help! - I'm coming! L-l-I'm coming! I'm coming! -救命! -我来了!我来了!我就来!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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