


时间:2018-05-11 12:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:01.98]Like they do in greenhouses, to keep out the sun. Its the correct thing. 像他们在温室做的那样,挡住阳光,这是该做的事情。 [02:08.70]- It wont be that hot, surely! - Well, I dont know. -不会有那么热的!
  • [02:01.98]Like they do in greenhouses, to keep out the sun. It's the correct thing. 像他们在温室做的那样,挡住阳光,这是该做的事情。
    [02:08.70]- It won't be that hot, surely! - Well, I don't know. -不会有那么热的! -好吧,我不知道为什么要这么做。
    [02:12.06]They say the one at Hiroshima was equal to one thousand suns. 据说投放在广岛的那颗原子弹释放的能量相当于一千个太阳。
    [02:15.14]So it is quite hot. 那可真是热啊。
    [02:16.66]And besides, the powers that be are making much better ones now. 而且,现在制造的原子弹冲击力更大了。
    [02:20.82]Science has leaped forward with giant strides. Oops! 哦!科学的飞跃就像巨人前进那样迅速。
    [02:27.22]Mind you don't get paint on those curtains, James. 窗帘上就不用涂了吧,James。
    [02:28.46]You should have taken them down first. You never think. 你就没想过先把它们取下来。
    [02:31.82]I know that smile of yours, James. 你笑什么,James。
    [02:41.02]"Keep doors closed to prevent the spread of fire", it says. 这里说“保持门窗紧闭以将火焰隔离在外。”
    [02:46.34]- But you've taken off half the doors, James. - Yes, dear. -可是你已经把家里一半的门都卸下来了,James。 -是啊,亲爱的。
    [02:47.30]Won't that make the fire worse, then? 这样做不是会让火势更猛烈吗?
    [02:49.78]Er... 呃...
    [02:52.06]Well, I er... 好吧,我,嗯...
    [02:53.74]Perhaps the blast will blow the fire out. 也许冲击波会把火给带出去。
    [02:56.94]Well... Hm! 嗯...
    [02:59.90]The inner core or refuge looks quite cosy5, doesn't it, dear? 这个隐蔽处看起来真舒适啊,是吗,亲爱的?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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