


时间:2018-05-24 12:36来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:33.72]Well, what would I kill him with? 可是,我该用什么杀他呢? [04:35.92]A bit of old iron, I suppose. 一只老熨斗吧,我想是。 [04:38.60]I must mend those socks for you, James. 我得替你把袜子补一补,Jam
  • [04:33.72]Well, what would I kill him with? 可是,我该用什么杀他呢?
    [04:35.92]A bit of old iron, I suppose. 一只老熨斗吧,我想是。
    [04:38.60]I must mend those socks for you, James. 我得替你把袜子补一补,James。
    [04:42.68]They'd have Tommy guns. They always do. 他们可能用汤米枪作武器,他们一般都这样。
    [04:45.52]He'd mow11 us down, Hilda! 他会射杀我们的,Hilda!
    [04:47.68]If a German sees you in these socks, he'll think you're just a peasant. 如果一个德国兵迎面撞见你,他会以为你只是个农夫。
    [04:51.84]"Die, you Englishe pig dogs!" he'd say. “去死吧,你这个英国猪!”他会这样骂。
    [04:52.80]"Enemies of der Fatherland! Heil Hitler!" (Makes machine-gun noise) “帝国的敌人!万岁希特勒!”(学机关枪扫射声)
    [04:59.72]Oh. Oh, no, sorry. No, no, that's the last time. I keep forgetting, it's the Russkies now. 哦,哦,不。不不不,那是上次的情形。我忘了,现在是俄国佬。
    [00:06.80]JIM: Just suppose that one did come. 假设有人会来。
    [00:11.68]A great big Russian. 一个大块头的俄国兵。
    [00:13.84]Big overcoat, great big boots with snow on them. 穿着硕大的外套,硕大的靴子,还沾着雪。
    [00:15.44]Great furry1 hat, all covered in belts of ammo and grenades. 戴着硕大的皮帽,浑身绑着子弹匣和手榴弹。
    [00:19.60]Bloomin' great Tommy gun pointing straight at us! 用硕大的汤米枪指着我们!
    [00:21.48]What am I supposed to do? 那时我该怎么做才对呢?
    [00:23.64]- (Growls) - You could offer him a cup of tea, I suppose. -(嗥叫声) -我想,你可以给他一杯茶。
    [00:27.00]Argh! 啊哈!
    [00:30.56]We mustn't be collaborators, Hilda. 我们可不能当通敌者,Hilda.
    [00:32.88]They'd shave our heads. 他们会砍下我们的脑袋。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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