


时间:2018-05-21 12:43来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:21.60]I expect thats why the milkmans late. Hes got stuck somewhere. 这正好可以解释为什么送奶工迟到,他可能被困在某一出了。 [03:24.64](Bottle smashes) - I wonder if theres a proper war on. (瓶子碰撞声)我
  • [03:21.60]I expect that's why the milkman's late. He's got stuck somewhere. 这正好可以解释为什么送奶工迟到,他可能被困在某一出了。
    [03:24.64](Bottle smashes) - I wonder if there's a proper war on. (瓶子碰撞声)我想知道战争是否已经开始了。
    [03:27.80]I wonder who's winning. 我也想知道谁赢了。
    [03:29.96]Never mind. It'll all be in the papers, dear. 别着急。报纸上都会说的,亲爱的。
    [03:35.00]HILDA: He missed us altogether yesterday. 他昨天也没来。
    [03:35.04]JIM: Come to think of it, he's late, too. 想想吧,投递员也会迟到啊。
    [03:37.96]JIM: Well, you can't expect things to be normal after the bomb. 嗯,在轰炸之后你不能指望事情还像以前那样。
    [03:41.76]Difficulties will be experienced throughout the duration of the emergency period. 在紧急时期里各种困难都会持续下去。
    [03:46.56]Normality will only be assumed after the sensation of hostilities6. 战争的轰动过后,生活才会恢复常态。
    [03:51.64]HILDA: Oh, dear. I think I'm going to be sick again. 哦,亲爱的。我好像又要病了。
    [03:57.20](She coughs) (她开始咳嗽)
    [03:58.80]- (Vomits) - There, there, there, ducks. -(呕吐) -吐到那儿,那儿,那儿,宝贝儿。
    [04:03.04]- All better now? - (Groans) -好些了吗? -(呻吟声)
    [04:07.08](Sighs) (叹息声)
    [04:08.32]I had the most terrible diarrhoea this morning. 今天早上我腹泻得很厉害。
    [04:12.72]Nerves, dear. It's just nerves. 紧张,亲爱的,是紧张导致的。
    [04:14.88]I'm the same, and I'm a man. 我也一样,我是个男人也有这种感觉。
    [04:22.88]Let's sit in the garden for a bit. 我们去花园坐一会儿吧。
    [04:24.64]Don't you think we ought to clear up, dear? 难道我们不需要打扫一下吗,亲爱的?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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