


时间:2018-05-21 12:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:28.08]We ought to get one of these new hi-fis when your endowment policy comes up. 我们改在你的保险捐赠到期前再买一套Hi-Fi。 [04:32.44]Oh, yes. Or a stereo. Ive only got two years to go. 哦,对啊。或者买一套环绕
  • [04:28.08]We ought to get one of these new hi-fis when your endowment policy comes up. 我们改在你的保险捐赠到期前再买一套Hi-Fi。
    [04:32.44]Oh, yes. Or a stereo. I've only got two years to go. 哦,对啊。或者买一套环绕音箱。我只剩两年时间来处理它了。
    [04:36.64]- I hope Ron and Beryl got back all right. - Oh, yes, they'll be all right. -我希望Ron和Beryl回去的路上一切都好。 -哦,是啊,他们会没事的。
    [04:43.04]- Our Ron's a very careful driver. - I didn't mean the driving so much, dear. -我们的Ron是个非常谨慎的司机。 -我不仅仅是指驾驶技术,亲爱的。
    [04:45.64]More the bomb. 更担心轰炸的事情。
    [04:48.40]I'll give them a ring. 我去给他们打个电话。
    [04:49.64]Hello? Hello? Hello? 喂?喂?喂?
    [04:53.76]No, it's not even ringing. 不,居然响都没响一下。
    [04:54.32]Oh, I expect the lines are down. 哦,估计线路断了吧。
    [04:56.48]JIM: They say there are red-hot winds of 500 miles an hour. 他们说那儿有炽热的风以每小时500里的速度吹过。
    [00:02.52]I expect that would render the lines inoperable. 可能电话线被摧毁的不能修理了。
    [00:05.56]I'll drop him them a line - tell them to give us a ring. 我给他们留个言—告诉他们及时回电。
    [00:07.64]- Do you think the post will be going? - Oh, yes, bound to be. -你认为邮局还在运作么? -哦,当然,应该是这样啊。
    [00:13.20]The powers that be will endeavour to maintain communications. 当局应当竭尽全力保持通讯畅通才对啊。
    [00:16.84]Remember the Blitz? The post went on just the same. 还记得那次闪电战吗?邮局仍然像往常一样工作。
    [00:17.64]It's government policy. It keeps up the morale1 of the population. 这是政府的职责。必须恢复人们的斗志。
    [00:23.68]HILDA: I hope Ron is insured. 我希望Ron有保险。
    [00:25.84]You did pay ours, didn't you, James? 你给我们投了保,是吗,James?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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