


时间:2018-05-11 12:23来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:06.46]Yeah. Roosevelt was nice, too. 是啊,罗斯福也不错。 [03:11.06]There was three of them. 有这么三个人。 [03:11.46]Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. 丘吉尔,罗斯福和斯大林。 [03:15.62]All good blokes. 都是好
  • [03:06.46]Yeah. Roosevelt was nice, too. 是啊,罗斯福也不错。
    [03:11.06]There was three of them. 有这么三个人。
    [03:11.46]Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. 丘吉尔,罗斯福和斯大林。
    [03:15.62]All good blokes. 都是好家伙。
    [03:17.78]With old Hitler, Goering and Musso, and all that lot, on the other side. 还有希特勒,戈尔和墨索里尼,还有那些另一阵营的人们。
    [03:26.66]You somehow knew where you were then. 有时你知道自己身处何处。
    [03:29.98]I don't even know who the people are these days. 当时我根本不知道这些人是谁。
    [03:33.26]I expect it's all done by committees, dear. 我希望他们都被委员会搞定,亲爱的。
    [03:35.94]Yes, and meetings. I expect they have loads and loads of meetings, 是的,还有会议。我希望他们不停的开会,
    [03:39.94]and thus arrive at decisions. 最后做出决定。
    [03:41.66]Commuters, too. 还有工人们。
    [03:44.58]They all use commuters these days. 他们一直在利用工友。
    [03:46.74]It's got very impersonal6. 这与个人魅力无关。
    [03:50.18]Churchill with his cigar, old Stalin with his moustache - 丘吉尔叼着雪茄,斯拉林和他的胡子-
    [03:52.94]you knew where you stood. 你知道你站在哪边。
    [03:55.10]Do you think they'll invade? 你估计他们会侵入吗?
    [03:57.42]Oh, no, no. Won't need to. 哦,不,不,不需要这样。
    [04:00.50]Long er... range. 长...射程。
    [04:01.34]It'll all be done by missiles. 导弹就可以完成了。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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