


时间:2018-05-11 12:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:15.94]Now, listen. 现在,听我说。 [01:18.70]Just you start that inner core or refuge. Its your bounden duty, son. 你必须开始建设隐蔽处,这是你应该挑起的责任,儿子。 [01:23.22]Cheerio, son. 加油,孩子。
  • [01:15.94]Now, listen. 现在,听我说。
    [01:18.70]Just you start that inner core or refuge. It's your bounden duty, son. 你必须开始建设隐蔽处,这是你应该挑起的责任,儿子。
    [01:23.22]Cheerio, son. 加油,孩子。
    [01:24.10]Now, remember what I said. 现在,记着我说的。
    [01:26.26]I am your father. I do know a bit about war. 我是你的老爸。我知道一些关于战争的事情。
    [01:30.90]Love to Beryl and baby Jim. Ta-ta. 向Beryl和小Jim问好。
    [01:35.38]Yes er... Ron says I need a protractor. He says I can get one at Willis's. 嗯...Ron说我得拿一个量角器。他说能在Willis's买到。
    [01:39.74]He was killing1 himself laughing, and he was singing songs! 他在自嘲,甚至在唱歌!
    [01:43.38]I can't understand it. I think it's nerves. 我不能理解他。依我看这是很严重的事。
    [01:44.14]He's gone a bit hysterical2. 他有点歇斯底里了。
    [01:46.46]- He can't be drunk at this time of day. - Our Ron doesn't drink. -他不能从白天就开始喝酒。 -我们的Ron从不喝酒。
    [01:50.42]Oh, no, no, no. No, no, of course not, dear. 哦,不,不...不,当然不是,亲爱的。
    [01:54.14]Ron is not going to make an inner core or refuge. Ron没准备造一个隐蔽处。
    [01:57.94]I remonstrated3 with him, but he was adamant4. 我劝过他了,但是他很顽固。
    [01:59.50]He says if London cops it, he'll cop it. And not to worry, Dad. 他说如果伦敦在意这事,他就在意。如果不是就不用担心。
    [02:03.30]It's an irresponsible attitude. 这种态度太不负责了。
    [02:05.46]I'm a bit disappointed in him, adopting that attitude. 他的态度让我对他感到失望。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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