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时间:2017-03-13 12:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:24.12]And Im completely broke. But thats okay. 由零开始,但不要紧 [00:28.88]I eat a hamburger a day, and my idea of a pet is a rock. 每天吃汉堡包,石头是宠物 [00:35.04]- Well, its very nice to meet you. - Tess. 很高
  •   [00:24.12]And I'm completely broke. But that's okay. 由零开始,但不要紧
      [00:28.88]I eat a hamburger a day, and my idea of a pet is a rock. 每天吃汉堡包,石头是宠物
      [00:35.04]- Well, it's very nice to meet you. - Tess. 很高兴认识你
      [00:36.96]Tess. Got it. 蒂莎,收到
      [00:40.24]Well, wait until you see the bride. She looks gorgeous. 要看看新娘,她很美
      [00:48.28]Ready? 好了吗?
      [00:48.88]- (Sighs) - Everything's perfect. 很完美
      [00:50.88]And this dress- the best thing is I can shorten it and wear it again. 这条裙,最妙之处就是我可以改短再穿
      [00:55.52]Defiinitely. So true. 很有见地
      [00:57.52]All right. 到时候了
      [00:58.00]- Okay. - Okay.
      [01:03.08]Okay. Ready? 准备好没?
      [01:03.28]Yes. 行
      [01:32.44](Jane Narrating) That day, I woke up and put on my 28th dress: 那天醒来我穿上第28条裙
      [01:35.40]I went to a wedding where no one asked me to hold the bouquet2: : : 去了个不用褶花球…
      [01:39.08]Fold a place card or hold their dress while they peed: 摺名牌、帮人上厕所的婚礼
      [01:44.84]Everything was perfect: And I didn't care: : : 一切顺利,但都不打紧
      [01:47.44]Because right then, the only thing that mattered: : : 因为最重要的…
      [01:49.60]Was the person waiting for me at the end of the aisle3: 是那个在走廊尽头等候我的人
      [01:55.56]And he was looking at me the way I'd always hoped: 正以我期待的目光看着我
      [02:11.56]So is this moment everything you hoped for? 就是这一刻吗?
      [02:15.04]No. 不
      [02:18.04]It's more. It's much more. 不只这个,来日方长
      [02:25.92]Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today: : : 各位亲友,今天我们聚首…

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      27宜嫁台词      

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