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时间:2017-02-22 12:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:46.50]《27宜嫁》 [00:47.54]- (Chattering) - ##(Classical) [00:53.78](Woman) Mozart found his calling at age five: : : 莫扎特五岁作了第一首小步舞曲 [00:57.06]Composing his first minuet: [01:00.18]Ricasso discovered his t
  • [00:46.50]《27宜嫁》
    [00:47.54]- (Chattering) - ##(Classical)
    [00:53.78](Woman) Mozart found his calling at age five: : : 莫扎特五岁作了第一首小步舞曲
    [00:57.06]Composing his first minuet:
    [01:00.18]Ricasso discovered his talent for painting: : : 毕加索九岁发现自己有绘画天份
    [01:01.78]- When he was nine: - Oh. Thanks.
    [01:05.42]- Oh! - Tiger Woods swung his first club: : : 老虎伍兹不到两岁便挥球杆
    [01:07.42]Well before his second birthday:
    [01:10.62]Me? I was eight when I discovered my purpose in life: 我?八岁发掘了我的人生意义
    [01:13.86]I was at the St: Thomas Church next to the Hyatt Regency in Weehawken, New Jersey1: 在新泽西州圣汤马教堂
    [01:19.46]It was my cousin Lisa's wedding: 我表姐丽莎的婚礼上
    [01:20.34]Here, Dad. Let me. 让我来,爸
    [01:24.54]It was our first big family event since Mom died: : : 妈死后第一个家族聚会
    [01:27.18]And Dad was not in great shape: 爸仍有点恍惚
    [01:30.58]Daddy, can you take me to the girls' room? I have to go pee. 我要去厕所
    [01:35.38]Uh, come on, Tess. Let's go. 来吧,蒂莎
    [01:48.30]Shit! Oh, shit! 糟了!
    [01:54.62]- Oh, Janey, I'm sorry: - It's okay. We have cable. 对不起,珍
    [02:03.62]The heck am I gonna do? 真是不知道怎么办!
    [02:11.82]Thank you so much, sweetie. You saved the day. 太感谢你了,亲爱的 你是我的救星
    [02:14.70]Janey, get my train. 拿裙摆,珍
    [02:22.06]And that was the moment: That's when I fell in love with weddings: 就在那一刻,我爱上了婚礼
    [02:26.98]I knew that I had helped someone on the most important day of their life: 在他们的大日子帮手
    [02:30.42]And I couldn't wait for my own special day: 几时轮到我自己
    [02:33.42]Oh, Jane, that's stunning2: It really is: It's the perfect dress: 这条裙子太漂亮了,珍,简直完美

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