


时间:2015-09-16 12:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:19.66]- I guess thats... I guess, you. - Hm. - 我想这里指的是我猜是你 - 嗯 [02:21.18]Uh, is transformed by his spirit guide... 由他的精神引导者改变形体 [02:24.86]...to set him on a new path. 从而迈向新的人生
  •   [02:19.66]- I guess that’s... I guess, you. - Hm. - 我想这里指的是…我猜是你 - 嗯
      [02:21.18]Uh, is transformed by his spirit guide... 由他的精神引导者改变形体…
      [02:24.86]...to set him on a new path. …从而迈向新的人生道路
      [02:27.38]- Which is what? - Do I look like your spirit guide? - 那是什么? - 我看起来像是你的精神引导者吗?
      [02:36.58]The janitor3. 那个清洁工
      [02:39.90]The janitor. 清洁工
      [02:52.14]You guys seen the janitor? You seen the janitor? 你们有人看到清洁工吗? 你看到清洁工吗?
      [02:55.98]- Do you know where the janitor is? GIRL: No. - 你知道清洁工在哪吗? - 不知道
      [02:57.34]Hey, where’s the janitor? Where does the janitor work? 嗨,清洁工在哪儿? 清洁工都在哪儿忙?
      [03:01.34]- Excuse me! - You all right, kid? - 不好意思! - 怎么了,孩子?
      [03:04.02]- There’s another janitor who works here. - Just me. - 这儿还有另一个清洁工 - 只有我一个啊
      [03:05.02]No, no. There’s an older guy with white hair who works here. 不,不,还有一个满头白发的老头 也在这里做事
      [03:08.02]I was here yesterday talking to the janit... I showed him this picture of me. 我昨天还在这儿跟那个清洁工 说过话...我给他看我的这张照片
      [03:15.22]WOMAN: You? - Yeah. - 你? - 是的
      [03:15.38]That picture’s from 1989. 那张照片是1989年的
      [03:21.26]Right. Forget it. 好吧,就当我没说
      [03:28.46]Alex! 亚历克斯!
      [03:33.30]Alex, buddy4! 亚历克斯,伙计!
      [03:34.46]Alex! 亚历克斯!
      [04:09.10]Hello? 有人吗?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      重返17岁      

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