This report and other recent studies show that online learning, distance learning, and self-learning in general, are not only more convenient, but, in fact, more effective than the classroom, for high school, college and adult learners. In...
一、 不会就查字典 所谓工欲善其事,必先利其器,学语言一定要随身携带字典,遇到不懂的地方就赶快翻一翻、看一看,这样才会进步,有这么一个说法:一个人用不用功,看他的字...
书面表达如何能得到好分数? 刚才讲了一模书面表达要求考生写一封英文书信,去年高考写的是电子邮件,其实文体是一样的。就这封英文书信的内容来讲,它构思很好,申请为来自英...
What do I believe? What laws do I live by? There are so many answers - work, beauty, truth, love - and I hope I do live by them. 什么是我所信仰的?什么是我生活的准则?答案很多,比如工作、美丽、真理、爱心,...
反意疑问句是英语四大问句之一,它是由一个陈述句加上一个短问句而构成的。反意疑问句的基本构成形式是:陈述句+动词(肯定或否定)+主语?如: ①She often has lunch at school, doesnt sh...
一、只能接-ing分词作宾语的动词: 建议冒险去献身,忍受期待不停顿; 放弃延期悔失去,坚持欣赏实践成; 注意原谅避反对,考虑要求不自禁; 允许习惯不介意,价值开始想动名。 如:...
10.禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning) (105)Stop talking./Stop talking now,please. (106)Dont talk./Everybody quiet,please. (107)Dont be silly. (108)Settle down. 11.评价 (109)Good,than...
9.指令(Issuing a command) (7)Say/Read after me,please. (72)Follow me,please. (73)Do what do. (7)Repeat,please./Repeat after me. (75)Once more,please./One more time,please. (7)Com...
6.课堂活动(Classroom activities) (41)Start!/Start now. (42)Everybody together./All together. (43)Practise in a group./Practise In groups/In groups,please. (44)Get into groups of three/four (...