从善如流 If the counsel be good, no matter who gave it. eg:Jack did not like John, but he accepted his advice- if the counsel be good, no matter who gave it. 中英俚语俗语来源:左传:从善如流,宜哉。/国语:从善如...
从容不迫 Take things easy. Take ones time. Cool as a cucumber. eg:No matter how difficult the job be, john always takes things easy and does it well. 中英俚语俗语来源:史记:良尝闻从容步游下邳圯上。 同义词:慢...
绰绰有余 Ones cup runs over. Lashings and lavings. eg:Dont worry about daily expenses, we have enough and to spare. 中英俚语俗语来源:诗经小雅角弓:绰绰有裕。 反义词:举债度日 Live on ticket....
唇枪舌剑 Have a sharp tongue. Exchange heated words. Break a lance with one. Cross swords. eg:One may speak daggers to his contender but never use them. 中英俚语俗语来源:元曲选武汉臣 玉壶春:使心猿意马,逞舌剑...
重整旗鼓 Rally ones forces. Re-Shuffle. eg:Dont be discouraged. Lets dig up the hatchet and carry on....
垂头丧气 Hang ones head. Down in the mouth (dumps). With ones tail between ones legs. Look crestfallen. eg:Robert hangs his head down because he lost in the competition. 中英俚语俗语来源:唐书:失势者垂头丧气。 同义...
吹毛求疵 Pick a hole in ones coat. Pick to pieces. Find fault with. Number the streaks of the tulip. eg:The boss is splitting hairs to find faults with us. 中英俚语俗语来源:韩非子大体:不吹毛而求小疵,不洗垢而...
初出茅庐 A green horn. A freshwater sailor. As green as grass. Wet behind the ears. eg:He is a raw recruit who knows little about our trade. 同义词:少不更事 Not dry behind the ears. 反义词:老于世故 Know which way the...
初生牛犊不怕虎 They who know nothing fear nothing. eg:Members of the team played against the Giants boldly they who know nothing fear nothing. 中英俚语俗语来源:三国演义:俗云,初生之棋不畏虎。 反义词:惊...
初出茅庐 A green horn. A freshwater sailor. As green as grass. Wet behind the ears. eg:He is a raw recruit who knows little about our trade. 同义词:少不更事 Not dry behind the ears. 反义词:老于世故 Know which way the...