持之以恒 Keep it up. Without a break. Perseverance will prevail. eg:If you are on diet. stick to it at least for a month. 同义词:水滴石穿 Constant dripping wears away the stone. 反义词:三天打鱼,两天晒网 By fits...
乘风破浪 Sail before the wind Brave the winds and waves. Carry a bone in the teeth. Plough the waves. eg:His career rises in the world like sailing before the wind after he has been promoted. 中英俚语俗语来源:宋书宋悫传:...
成者为王,败者为寇 Losers are always in the wrong. A thief passes for a gentleman when thieving has made him rich. eg:They are banished by the king after their rebellion. losers are always in the wrong....
瞠目结舌 Stare tongue-tied. Stunned and speechless. To be dumb-founded. eg:The accused was struck dumb by all those questions the judge asked. 同义词:目瞪口呆 Lose ones tongue. 反义词:巧舌如簧 Wag ones tongue....
称兄道弟 Call cousins with. Chum in with. Thick as thieves. eg:Most Americans call consins with Canadians. 同义词:拉帮结派 Cotton up to. 反义词:倒戈相向 Turn ones coat....
陈词滥调 Hackneyed phrases. Flog the dead horse. Harp on the same string. eg:The official statenment is full of hackneyed phrases....
沉默寡言 Hold one s peace (tongue). To be a regular oyster. A person of few words. eg:He is used to hold his peace in meetings. 同义词:默不作声 Refrain from comment. 反义词:滔滔不绝 Talk oneself out of breath....
畅所欲言 Speak ones mind Open ones budget. eg:I havent seen George for years, so I speak my mind with him at the coffee shop. 同义词:倾吐衷情 Get it off ones chest. 反义词:半吞半吐 To mince...
长驱直入 It was just a walk over. eg:It was just a walk over for the army to take that castle. 中英俚语俗语来源:曹操劳徐晃令:所闻古之善用兵者,未有长驱直入敌围者也。 同义词:势如破竹 Like...
恻隐之心 Bowels of compassion (mercy) . Sense of pity. eg:John contributed much to the Tsunami sufferers, he has the milk of human kindness. 中英俚语俗语来源:孟子:恻隐之心,人皆有之。 反义词:嗜杀成性 T...