
  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对97:大惊小怪 日期:2016-05-30 12:40:53 点击:109 好评:0

    大惊小怪 Much matter of a wooden platter. Like a hen with one chicken. A storm in a teacup. Go off the deep end. Much ado about nothing. Look like a dying duck in a thunderstorm. Make a song and dance about something. eg:Such things h...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对96:大惑不解 日期:2016-05-30 12:40:26 点击:93 好评:0

    大惑不解 Beyond comprehension. Beyond one. Can make neither head nor tail of. eg:The government s policy is beyond comprehension of most of us. 中英俚语俗语来源:庄子天地:大惑者终身不解,大愚者终身不灵。...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对95:大功告成 日期:2016-05-30 12:39:54 点击:160 好评:0

    大功告成 Come off with honours. Bring home the bacon. Come through with flying colours. eg:Our efforts come off with honours at last. 反义词:功亏一篑 Another course would have done it....

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对94:大公无私 日期:2016-05-30 12:39:29 点击:121 好评:0

    大公无私 The balance distinguishes not between gold and lead. eg:A good boss should deal with all workers in fair field and no favour. 中英俚语俗语来源:龚自珍龚定庵集论:且今之大公无私者,有杨墨之贤邪。...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对93:大发雷霆 日期:2016-05-30 12:39:07 点击:161 好评:0

    大发雷霆 Come down like a ton of bricks. Explode with rage. Fly into ones tantrums. eg:The boss came down like a ton of bricks when he learned the bad news. 中英俚语俗语来源:三国志吴志陆逊传:今不忍小忿而发雷霆...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对92:大打出手 日期:2016-05-30 12:38:26 点击:132 好评:0

    大打出手 Fall together by the ears. Come to grips with.认真应付(难题) eg:They argued first and then came to blows. 同义词:拳脚交加 Cuffs and kicks. 反义词:相安无事 Get along fairly well....

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对91:大吹大擂 日期:2016-05-30 12:37:39 点击:170 好评:0

    大吹大擂 Brag about. Bluff and bluster. A flourish of trumpets. Make much of. eg:He always brags about his past record. 中英俚语俗语来源:元曲选贾仲名萧淑兰:小的每与我大吹大擂者。 同义词:大张旗鼓...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对90:寸草不留 日期:2016-05-30 12:37:03 点击:138 好评:0

    寸草不留 Stripped bare. eg:The land had been laid waste before they built the factory. 同义词:斩草除根 Pluck up by the roots...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对89:寸步不离 日期:2016-05-30 12:36:31 点击:194 好评:0

    寸步不离 At ones elbow(heels). Hover over. eg:They love each other very much,the wife is always at her husbands elbow. 同义词:紧随其后 Follow hard after. 反义词:避之则吉 Steer clear of...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对88:促膝谈心 日期:2016-05-30 12:36:03 点击:179 好评:0

    促膝谈心 Get knee to knee with one. Have a heart-to-heart talk. Talk into confidence. eg:It is always good to get knee to knee with a good friend. 同义词:推心置腹 From the bottom of ones heart. 反义词:话不投机半句多...
