发号施令 lay down the law. call the tune. eg:the ruler laid down the law that common people could not own pistols. 中英俚语俗语来源:尚书同命:发号施令,罔有不万臧。 同义词:指手画脚 to lord it over. 反...
咄咄逼人 Lord it over. To be overbearing. eg:It is the coward that always play the bully. 中英俚语俗语来源:法书要录:王濛子修,善隶行,子敬每者修书云,咄咄逼人。 同义词:盛气凌人 Throw ones...
多多益善 The more the better. All is fish that comes to his net. Alls grist that comes to the mill. eg:Your donation, the more the better, helps the poor children to attend schools. 中英俚语俗语来源:史记淮阴侯传:上问...
对症下药 There is a salve for every sore. Find a right antidote. Counter with proper measures. eg:We believe that there is a salve for every sore and the mans disease is curable. 反义词:饮鸪止渴 The remedy is worse than the d...
独占鳌头 Sweep the board. Carry off the palm. Bear away the bell. eg:George came out first in last years contest. 中英俚语俗语来源:洪北江诗话:俗语谓状元独占整头,非尽无稽。 同义词:名列前茅 Head...
独善其身 Better be alone than in ill company. Solitude is better than ill company. Keep ones distance. Keep oneself to oneself. eg:When making friends,you better remember that it is better alone than in ill company. 中英俚语俗语...
东山再起 Stage a comeback. Bob up like a cork. He that falls today may rise tomorrow. eg:The actress staged a comeback with her leading role in that movie. 中英俚语俗语来源:晋书:谢安初隐东山,后人朝,位登台辅...
掉以轻心 Make it lightly. Make light of. Lower ones guard. eg:Its an important job,you must not take it lightly. 中英俚语俗语来源:柳宗元论师道书:故吾每为文章,未尝敢以轻心掉之。 同义词:毫不在...
点石成金 All he touches turns to gold. A golden touch. eg:He is such a clever businessman that all he touches turns to gold. 中英俚语俗语来源:列仙传:许逊,南昌人。晋初为旋阳令,点石化金,以足逋赋。...
颠沛流离 Live a vagabond life. Here today and gone tomorrow. Have got the key of the street. eg:We all lived a vagabond life during wartime. 中英俚语俗语来源:论语:造次必如是,颠沛必如是。 同义词:漂泊不定...