诡计多端 as crooked as a corkscrew. full of guile ( tricks ) . as crooked as a dogs hind leg. as tricky as a monkey. eg:do not trust robert who is as crooked as a corkscrew. 同义词:老奸巨猾 as cunning as a fox. 反义词:诚实...
归心似箭 longing for home. eg:christmas holidays will begin soon and all boarding students are longing for home. 同义词:倦鸟知还 home is the sailor, home from sea. 反义词:流连忘返 cant tear oneself away....
归根结底 in the final analysis. when all is said and done. as a result. eg:the market price will adapt to the real value in the long run....
光阴似箭 how time flies. time flies like an arrow. eg:to see the children off to study abroad , mrs. jones sensed how time flies. 中英俚语俗语来源:韦庄关河道中诗:但见时光流似箭,岂知天道曲如弓。...
光明磊落 to be open and aboveboard. as clear as crystal. eg:a gentleman s activities are open and aboveboard. 中英俚语俗语来源:晋书:大丈夫行为,当磊磊落落,如日月胶然。 同义词:胸怀坦荡 as open...
挂羊头,卖狗肉 cry up wine and sell vinegar. eg:he is crying up wine and selling vinegar by saying that his new book is the best on that subject. 同义词:鱼目混珠 foist something on one...
故态复萌 return to one s old habit. back in the old rut. at ones little games again. return to one vomit. he that has done ill once will do it again. fall from grace. eg:the thief was out from the jail but returned to his old habit to...
固执己见 abide by ones opinion. stick to ones gun. take the bit in ones teeth . have a will of ones own. nail one s colours to the mast. eg:the man was obstinate enough to abide by his opinion. 中英俚语俗语来源:宋史陈宓传...
固若金汤 as firm as a rock. eg:he will stick to his stand which is as firm as a rock. 中英俚语俗语来源:汉书:皆为金城汤池,不可攻也。 同义词:安如泰山 safe upon the solid rock. 反义词:不堪一击...
固步自封 get into a groove. stay put. he that stays in the valley shall never get over the hill. stand pat. eg:to get into a groove in reasoning will not help us in finding out the truth. 同义词:裹足不前 at a standstill. 反义...