草木皆兵 Take every bush for a bugbear. Fields have eyes , and woods have ears. Afraid of ones own shadow. eg:The defeated soldiers are so frightened that they take every bush for a bugbear. 中英俚语俗语来源:东晋书:坚登...
操纵自如 Like wax in ones hands As clay in the hands of the potter. eg:He is well experienced and handles the machine like wax in his hands. 反义词:老虎吃天,无法下爪 To catch a Tartar....
操之过急 Draw ones bow before the arrow is fixed. Leap over the hedge before one comes to the stile. eg:Everyone in the line has his turn,you should not jump the gun. 同义词:欲速则不达 Haste trips over its own heels. 反义词...
步人后尘 Tread in ones footsteps. Follow upon ones heels. Take a leaf out of anothers book. Follow the beaten track. eg:Harold treads in his fathers footsteps to become a lawyer. 同义词:萧规曹随 Go on in the same old rut. 反义...
不自量力 Go beyond ones depth. Overreach oneself. Bite off more than one can chew. Throw straws against the wind. eg:Trying to solve that problem is to 90 beyond her depth for Lily. 中英俚语俗语来源:战国策齐策三:荆甚...
不知所措 Stand at gaze. To be at loose ends. To be up a tree. eg:He was at a loss as to what to do next. 中英俚语俗语来源:三国志吴志诸葛恪传:哀喜交并,不知所措。 同义词:六神无主 To be all at sea...
不翼而飞 Vanish from sight. Nowhere to be found. eg:Dont leave your purse there, it will vanish from sight in no time. 中英俚语俗语来源:列子:珠无腔而行,玉无翼而飞。...
不遗余力 Leave no avenue unexplored. Leave no stone unturned. Go to all lengths. Tooth and nail. Move heaven and earth. eg:He will support you for all he is worth. 中英俚语俗语来源:战国策:王曰,秦之攻我也,不遗...
不言而喻 It goes without saying. Needless to say. eg:It goes without saying that the truth is on our side. 同义词:不在话下 To be taken for granted....
不屑一顾 Shut one s eyes to. Snap ones fingers at. Turn up ones nose at. To set at naught. Fly in the face(teeth) of. eg:You can not shut your eyes to the reality. 同义词:漠然置之 Look on with unconcern. 反义词:不可轻视...