背信弃义 Go back on a person. To back out. Play one false. A breach of promise. Go back on. eg:He is a gentleman who will not go back on anybody. 反义词:忠心耿耿 As true as the dial to the sun....
背道而驰 Run counter to. Look one way and row another. To be diametrically opposed to. eg:Im not to run counter to my principle to lend money to that guy. 中英俚语俗语来源:苏轼诗:仙山佛国本同归,世迹玄关两背...
暴跳如雷 Fly into a passion To go berserk. Hit the ceiling. Get ones monkey up. In a towering rage. Stamp with fury. Have a tantrum. Blow ones top (stack). eg:On learning the fact, Robert flew into a passion and slapped his desk. 同义...
饱经风霜 Gone through thick and thin. Gone through deep waters. eg:George has gone through thick and thin to become an experienced expert in his trade. 同义词:曾经沧海 To have sailed the seven seas. 反义词:涉世未深 B...
半途而废 Drop(fall) by the way side. Not go the whole hog. eg:It is silly to do things by halves. 中英俚语俗语来源:礼记:君子遵道而行,半途而废,吾弗能已矣。 反义词:坚持不懈 Stick it out...
百折不挠 Fight for it tooth and nail. Get at it hammer and tongs. Never say die. Stick it out. eg:If Tom wants to win the scholarship, he has to fight for it tooth and nail in studying all text books. 中英俚语俗语来源:汉蔡邕...
百无聊赖 Its more pain to do nothing than something. Have time hanging on ones hands. Bored stiff. eg:A busybody feels that its more pain to do nothing than something whenever he is at leisure. 同义词:闲极无聊 Twiddle ones th...
百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing. One eye-witness is better than ten ear-witnesses. eg:We visited the West Lake. Seeing is believing, it is really beautiful. 同义词:耳闻不如目睹 The eyes believe themselves, the ears belie...
百川归海 Follow the river and youll get to the sea. The sea refuses no river. All rivers do what they can for the sea. All roads lead to Rome. eg:To find the cause is easy as you follow the river and youll get to the sea. 中英俚语俗...
百尺竿头,更进一步 Break ones own record. eg:You have to make further efforts to do a better job. 中英俚语俗语来源:传灯录:百尺竿头须进步,十方世界是全身。 同义词:精益求精 Though good is goo...