
  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对17:背信弃义 日期:2016-05-12 12:35:11 点击:85 好评:0

    背信弃义 Go back on a person. To back out. Play one false. A breach of promise. Go back on. eg:He is a gentleman who will not go back on anybody. 反义词:忠心耿耿 As true as the dial to the sun....

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对16:背道而驰 日期:2016-05-12 12:34:48 点击:194 好评:0

    背道而驰 Run counter to. Look one way and row another. To be diametrically opposed to. eg:Im not to run counter to my principle to lend money to that guy. 中英俚语俗语来源:苏轼诗:仙山佛国本同归,世迹玄关两背...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对15:暴跳如雷 日期:2016-05-12 12:34:17 点击:90 好评:0

    暴跳如雷 Fly into a passion To go berserk. Hit the ceiling. Get ones monkey up. In a towering rage. Stamp with fury. Have a tantrum. Blow ones top (stack). eg:On learning the fact, Robert flew into a passion and slapped his desk. 同义...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对14:饱经风霜 日期:2016-05-12 12:33:52 点击:147 好评:0

    饱经风霜 Gone through thick and thin. Gone through deep waters. eg:George has gone through thick and thin to become an experienced expert in his trade. 同义词:曾经沧海 To have sailed the seven seas. 反义词:涉世未深 B...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对13:半途而废 日期:2016-05-12 12:33:29 点击:180 好评:0

    半途而废 Drop(fall) by the way side. Not go the whole hog. eg:It is silly to do things by halves. 中英俚语俗语来源:礼记:君子遵道而行,半途而废,吾弗能已矣。 反义词:坚持不懈 Stick it out...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对12:百折不挠 日期:2016-05-12 12:33:03 点击:130 好评:0

    百折不挠 Fight for it tooth and nail. Get at it hammer and tongs. Never say die. Stick it out. eg:If Tom wants to win the scholarship, he has to fight for it tooth and nail in studying all text books. 中英俚语俗语来源:汉蔡邕...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对11:百无聊赖 日期:2016-05-12 12:32:36 点击:214 好评:0

    百无聊赖 Its more pain to do nothing than something. Have time hanging on ones hands. Bored stiff. eg:A busybody feels that its more pain to do nothing than something whenever he is at leisure. 同义词:闲极无聊 Twiddle ones th...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对10:百闻不如一见 日期:2016-05-12 12:32:12 点击:188 好评:0

    百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing. One eye-witness is better than ten ear-witnesses. eg:We visited the West Lake. Seeing is believing, it is really beautiful. 同义词:耳闻不如目睹 The eyes believe themselves, the ears belie...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对09:百川归海 日期:2016-05-12 12:31:14 点击:247 好评:0

    百川归海 Follow the river and youll get to the sea. The sea refuses no river. All rivers do what they can for the sea. All roads lead to Rome. eg:To find the cause is easy as you follow the river and youll get to the sea. 中英俚语俗...

  • [中英成语俚语800对] 中英成语俚语800对08:百尺竿头,更进一步 日期:2016-05-12 12:30:47 点击:280 好评:0

    百尺竿头,更进一步 Break ones own record. eg:You have to make further efforts to do a better job. 中英俚语俗语来源:传灯录:百尺竿头须进步,十方世界是全身。 同义词:精益求精 Though good is goo...
