出言不逊 Put ones foot in ones mouth. Drop a clanger. eg:Forgive his rude remarks, he is used to put his foot in his mouth. 中英俚语俗语来源:三国志魏志张郃传:郃快军败,出言不逊。 同义词:大放厥词...
出淤泥而不染 Lilies are whitest in a blackamoors hand. eg:He was brought up in slum and became president of the firm, lilies are whitest in a blackamoors hand. 中英俚语俗语来源:宋周敦颐爱莲说:余独爱莲之出淤泥...
出人头地 To be head and shoulders taller. Come to the fore. eg:John is head and shoulder taller in his class. 中英俚语俗语来源:宋史:吾当避此人出一头地。 同义词:不亚于人 Second to none. 反义词:无地...
出奇制胜 Take by surprise. To cope with. eg:You outwitted John and won the prize. 中英俚语俗语来源:史记:兵以正合,出奇制胜,善之者出其无穷。 同义词:智取为上 Contrivance is better than force....
出类拔萃 Out of the common run. In a class by itself. Distinguish oneself. eg:In his trade , John towers above the rest. 中英俚语俗语来源:孟子:出于其头,拔乎其萃。 同义词:卓尔不群 Come to the fore. 反义...
出口成章 Ones tongue is the pen of a ready writer. eg:A good speaker s tongue is the pen of a ready writer. 中英俚语俗语来源:苏轼文:脱口成章,祭莫可耘。 反义词:张口结舌 At a loss for words....
出尔反尔 Play fast and loose. Blow hot and cold. Go back on ones word. eg:Be true to what you have promised and do not play fast and loose. 中英俚语俗语来源:孟子:戒之戒之,出乎尔者,反乎尔者也。 同义词:...
踌躇满志 To ones hearts content. To be self-satisfied. Puffed up with pride. Look like the cat that ate ( swallowed ) the canary. eg:With your academic achievement , you may play to your hearts content during the vacation. 中英俚语俗...
愁眉苦脸 Wear a glum countenance. Laugh on the other side of ones face. Pull a long face. eg:The boy wears a glum countenance while listening to his teacher s lesson. 同义词:愁容满面 To sour ones cheeks. 反义词:笑容可掬...
充耳不闻 None so deaf as those who wont hear. Turn a deaf ear to. eg:The boss took no advice from us as none so deaf as those who wont listen. 中英俚语俗语来源:诗经:叔兮伯兮,褒如充耳。 同义词:耳边风In...