


时间:2016-04-13 22:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:28.06]What news? 有何消息? [04:29.30]Were outnumbered, at least three to one. 我们以寡击众 3比1 [04:30.66]300. Maybe more. 三百匹 也许更多 [04:31.34]How many horse? 有多少战马? [04:32.06]300 heavy horse? 三百匹重
  •   [04:28.06]What news? 有何消息?
      [04:29.30]We’re outnumbered, at least three to one. 我们以寡击众 3比1
      [04:30.66]300. Maybe more. 三百匹  也许更多
      [04:31.34]How many horse? 有多少战马?
      [04:32.06]300 heavy horse? 三百匹重装战马?
      [04:35.22]Who’s in command? 谁坐镇指挥?
      [04:35.34]We must negotiate. 我们要与他们谈判
      [04:39.42]Did he have a scarlet4 chevron5? 他有红色臂章吗?
      [04:40.42]Aye, he did. 有的
      [04:43.42]We can still negotiate. 我们仍可谈判
      [04:47.46]What are they talking about? 他们在说什么?
      [04:51.46]I can’t hear, but it does not look good. 我听不到  但似乎不妙
      [04:53.50]The nobles will negotiate. 贵族要谈判
      [04:55.50]They’ll do a deal, 他们如果谈判
      [04:57.50]then we go home. 我们就撤退
      [04:59.50]If not, we charge. 否则我们就进攻
      [00:02.70]We have no chance. 我们别无选择
      [01:03.50]So many. 这么多兵
      [01:09.54]I didn’t come here to fight 我来作战并非帮他们争权夺地
      [01:13.54]Then I’ll have to work for them. 还要为他们卖命
      [01:15.54]Nor me. 我也不是
      [01:17.22]All right, lads! I’m not dying for these bastards1. 好了  孩子们!我不要为这些混蛋送命
      [01:19.58]Let’s go home! 我们回家去
      [01:41.50]Stop, men! Do not flee! 站住!别逃!
      [01:44.06]Wait until we’ve negotiated! 等候谈判
      [02:42.34]William Wallace. 威廉华莱士
      [02:42.38]Can’t be. Not tall enough. 不可能  不够高
      [03:05.30]The Almighty2 says this must be a fashionable fight. 上天说这是场时髦的战争

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      勇敢的心      

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