


时间:2016-04-13 22:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:07.78]Its drawn3 the finest people. 吸引了最好的人 [03:09.14]Where is thy salute4? 你的礼仪呢? [03:11.14]For presenting yourselves on this battlefield, 对你亲自现身此战场 [03:13.14]I give you thanks. 我向你致谢
  •   [03:07.78]It’s drawn3 the finest people. 吸引了最好的人
      [03:09.14]Where is thy salute4? 你的礼仪呢?
      [03:11.14]For presenting yourselves on this battlefield, 对你亲自现身此战场
      [03:13.14]I give you thanks. 我向你致谢
      [03:15.50]To join it, you give homage5. 来加入效忠
      [03:16.02]This is our army. 这是我们的军队
      [03:19.58]I give homage to Scotland, 我向苏格兰效忠
      [03:20.58]and if this is your army... 这若是你的军队
      [03:26.26]why does it go? 他们为何离开?
      [03:26.94]We didn’t come here to fight for them! 我们来此不是为他们出战
      [03:34.30]Home!The English are too many. 回家!英格兰军太多兵了
      [03:44.66]Sons of Scotland... 苏格兰之子
      [03:46.34]I am William Wallace. 我是威廉华莱士
      [03:47.90]William Wallace is 7 feet tall. 威廉华莱士有七英尺高
      [03:52.38]He kills men by the hundreds, 他杀人数以百计
      [03:56.38]and if he were here, he’d consume the English 他若在此  他会消灭英格兰军的
      [03:59.38]with fireballs from his eyes 他眼睛可以冒火球
      [04:01.42]and bolts of lightning from his arse. 屁股会放雷电
      [04:07.42]I am William Wallace 我是威廉华莱士
      [04:10.42]and I see a whole army of my countrymen 我看到我民族组成的军队
      [04:13.46]here in defiance6 of tyranny. 向暴政宣战

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      勇敢的心      

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