


时间:2016-02-21 17:33来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:41.52]- Jake! - Sarah. -杰克 -莎拉 [00:42.40]- Jake! Hi. - Hi. -杰克,嗨 -嗨 [00:46.60]This is so weird1, because Ive been thinking about you so much. 真是太巧了,因为我总是想到你 [00:51.44]Nice to see you. Oh, youre
  •   [00:41.52]- Jake! - Sarah. -杰克 -莎拉
      [00:42.40]- Jake! Hi. - Hi. -杰克,嗨 -嗨
      [00:46.60]This is so weird1, because I’ve been thinking about you so much. 真是太巧了,因为我总是想到你
      [00:51.44]Nice to see you. Oh, you’re all... You look like... 幸会,你真是...你看起来就象...
      [00:55.72]I keep thinking about you. 我一直在想着你
      [00:57.80]What do they call those? Pot sticker, with the potholders. 那叫什么来着? 厨房用的,有隔热垫
      [01:02.88]Hi. I’m ready, Jake. Sorry I took so long. 我好了,杰克,抱歉让你等这么久
      [01:03.84]Hi. I’m Sherry. 嗨,我是雪莉
      [01:06.64]- Hi. - This is Sarah. -嗨 -这是莎拉
      [01:09.96]- We just saw Doctor Zhivago at the Grand2. - Yeah. 我们刚看完"日瓦戈医生"
      [01:12.32]- Doctor Zhivago. - It’s Jake’s favorite movie. -日瓦戈医生 -是杰克最喜欢的电影
      [01:15.40]- I didn’t get it. - Oh, I’ve seen it like 20 times. -我看不懂 -我看过差不多20遍
      [01:18.48]- Really? - Really? -真的? -真的?
      [01:20.28]- Yeah. - Why? It’s so depressing3. -是啊 -为什么?那么压抑
      [01:25.04]Everybody’s freezing their asses4 off. 个个都冻得一塌糊涂
      [01:25.40]- They’re communists5, right? - Yeah. -共产主义者对吧? -对
      [01:29.52]I guess I keep hoping that one time, Lara and Yuri will get together again. 我一直希望 娜拉和尤里有一天能重新走到一起

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      征婚广告      

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