


时间:2016-04-01 12:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:48.16]- I dont like changing the dates at the last minute. - Excuse me. Im sorry. 我不喜欢临时改变行程 [02:53.24]But I really need you to approve these T-shirt designs for Australia. 对不起 [02:53.56]T恤的设计要你批准
  •   [02:48.16]- I don’t like changing the dates at the last minute. - Excuse me. I’m sorry. 我不喜欢临时改变行程
      [02:53.24]But I really need you to approve these T-shirt designs for Australia. 对不起
      [02:54.96]- Oh, no problem. - You don’t mind, do you? 得 介意吗?
      [02:56.80]- Can we do this later? - Yeah. 一会才讨论好吗?她不介意
      [02:58.48]She don’t mind.
      [03:37.08](“逃狱金刚” 保罗纽曼主演)
      [03:43.96]That’s chamomile for you ladies. 你们的菊花茶,茶靓水滚
      [03:45.64]- Nice and hot. Very good. - Thanks. 只是电影海报,何必大惊小怪?
      [03:47.32]Sara, it was a movie poster. It’s no big deal.
      [03:50.28]It’s peculiar5 though, right? Don’t you think? 可是实在太巧合了
      [03:52.12]Look, I thought you were through with all this New Age bullshit... 还以为你对星座、风水那些…
      [03:55.24]like horoscopes and feng shui and all the crap. 所谓新时代玩意不再有兴趣
      [03:57.92]Eve, for someone who owns a New Age store, you are alarmingly earthbound. 你是新时代商店的老板…
      [04:02.88]Oh, yeah? And for a shrink-in-training, you are a little bit crazy. 你是精神科医生,精神却出毛病
      [04:05.72]- I’ll tell you that much. -(Woman) Excuse me. 请问有没有如意郞君洋烛?

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