


时间:2016-04-01 12:33来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:84.16]Thank you. 谢谢 [04:25.84]Thanks. [04:27.60]Oh, Im a god-awful friend. 我愧为你朋友 [04:29.28]- No, you will be if you sing. - ( Laughs ) 只要不唱生日歌就是 [04:35.48]Eve, thanks so much for coming with me. 谢谢你
  •   [03:84.16]Thank you. 谢谢
      [04:27.60]Oh, I’m a god-awful friend. 我愧为你朋友
      [04:29.28]- No, you will be if you sing. - ( Laughs ) 只要不唱生日歌就是
      [04:35.48]Eve, thanks so much for coming with me. 谢谢你陪我来  不要客气
      [04:37.56]You’re welcome.
      [04:39.36]Sara, you know, it’s a wonderful thought. 一切天公早有安排…
      [04:44.76]The idea that all of life, that every single event is part of some master plan... 而我们迟早邂逅梦中人…
      [04:46.08]designed to lead us to our universal soul mate4. 这种想法很美妙,不过…
      [04:51.92]But if that’s really true, then what’s the point of living? 假如是真的,做人有什么意思?
      [04:55.44]Or making decisions? Hell1, why should we even get out of bed in the morning? 为什么还去抉择?还去生活?
      [04:58.64]For the cake? 为了吃蛋糕?
      [04:60.00]No. Not for cake. 不是为了蛋糕
      [04:62.20]So that you make mistakes. 为了犯错,这次来纽约…
      [04:66.92]Mistakes like this trip. 也是犯错
      [04:67.36]And if you’re smart enough, you learn from your mistakes. 为了从错误中汲取教训
      [04:70.20]You figure it out. You-You think. 从而觉悟到,人生不是…
      [04:73.16]You realize that life isn’t some elaborate8 stage play with directions for the actors. 布局周详、有条不紊的剧本
      [04:76.08]Life’s a mess, Sara. 人生本来就是…
      [04:80.76]It’s-It’s chaos9 personified. 杂乱无章的一回事
      [04:84.20]I have to give it all up now, don’t I? 我应该放弃,是不是?

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