


时间:2016-04-01 12:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:33.76](帐号:0293312106) [00:33.88](Halley) I dont understand why this is going off. [00:37.04]上星期你说已经修理妥当 [00:39.44]- You said last week it would be fine. - Hey, Jon. [00:40.56]This place looks like a disas
  •   [00:33.76](帐号:0293312106)
      [00:33.88](Halley) I don’t understand why this is going off.
      [00:39.44]- You said last week it would be fine. - Hey, Jon.
      [00:40.56]This place looks like a disaster area. 十足重灾区
      [00:44.48]- Thanks, Gerald. - Gerald, it’s in here. 过奖,谢利
      [00:45.88]I gotta get going. Coming! 谢利,进来 我要进去
      [01:35.52]Come on! I wanna see! I wanna see! 伸出手,让我看看
      [01:38.84]I thought you wanted a round-cut diamond. 还以为你要圆形钻戒
      [01:41.04]- Why? When did I say that? - I’m not exactly sure. 我几时说过?
      [01:45.92]- But when we were younger, I think. - Oh, God. 记不起,似乎你小时说过
      [01:47.16]When I was younger, I was gonna marry Boris Becker, wasn’t I? 我小时要嫁给网球手碧加
      [01:50.44]- Hey, guys. What did you think? - Hey! 唏,两位
      [01:52.16]Well, I mean, was that last song really inspired by my sister? 吹奏得怎样?
      [01:57.24]Every artist needs his muse1. 她是我的灵感女神
      [01:58.92]- Who wants to hear the good news? - Hey, I pay you for the good news. 谁想我报喜? 你的责任是报喜
      [02:00.48]No. You pay me to keep away the bad news. 我的责任是防止报忧  报吧

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