


时间:2016-04-01 12:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:18.24]好不好? [03:36.32](Jonathan) Maybe I am just getting cold feet. 或者我在临婚退缩 [03:38.80]Im telling you right now, British women do not age well. 告诉你吧,英国女人残得好快 [03:41.00]You know, I mean, y
  •   [03:18.24]好不好?
      [03:36.32](Jonathan) Maybe I am just getting cold feet. 或者我在临婚退缩
      [03:38.80]I’m telling you right now, British women do not age well. 告诉你吧,英国女人残得好快
      [03:41.00]You know, I mean, years ago, yes, she was a luscious8 treat. 多年前,她引死人
      [03:44.32]You know, she probably looked like, you know, Baby Spice. 可能成个辣妹款
      [03:44.60]But now she could look like-- 不过现在变成…
      [03:49.96]Old Spice. 辣婆婆
      [04:03.08]- It’s a great haircut. - Oh. Thanks. 头发剪得好啊
      [04:08.64]- Tell me you love me. - I love you. 说你爱我 我爱你
      [04:11.64]- Tell me something romantic. - Like what? 说几句情话吧  例如呢?
      [04:14.16]I don’t know. Like... 不知道,例如…
      [04:16.40]how I’m the only girl in the entire universe meant for you. 全宇宙中,你注定只有我一个
      [04:25.60]Oh, my God, the dinner! 弊傢伙,烧焦了
      [04:28.28]By the way, I emptied your closet. We gotta pack for the honeymoon9. 我在收拾你的衣物,准备渡蜜月
      [04:32.76]-(Beeping Continues) - God, I hate this building. 唉,憎鬼死这间屋
      [04:34.92]Shut up! 收声!
      [04:35.20]Don’t hit it with the thing. 不要敲
      [04:37.20]- (Beeping Continues) - Jon! - What? 庄  什么事?
      [04:41.76]I’m gonna go yell at the super. 我要捉住管理员来出气

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