


时间:2017-06-26 12:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.34]Im going to caII on one of you! 我会请你们当中的一个 [00:04.86]Now, the word of God dweIIs within everyone. 主的意志与你们同在 [00:06.70]I want you to Iet that word out. Let your spirit-- 现在我希望你们能大
  • [00:01.34]I'm going to caII on one of you! 我会请…你们当中的一个
    [00:04.86]Now, the word of God dweIIs within everyone. 主的意志与你们同在
    [00:06.70]I want you to Iet that word out. Let your spirit-- 现在我希望你们能大声宣读出来 让你们的灵魂…
    [00:11.38]What is it, Ned? 什么事?奈德?
    [00:13.74]The good Lord is teIIing me to confess to something. 主要求我忏悔…
    [00:15.38]Gay, gay, gay. 同性恋,同性恋…
    [00:18.26]An immodest sense of pride in our community. …我们社区最不庄重的尊严
    [00:21.74]Somebody eIse? 还有别人想发言吗?
    [00:22.78]Let the Lord's Iight shine upon you. 让主的光芒照耀于你
    [00:30.14]FeeI the spirit. 感受圣灵
    [00:33.82]Let it out! 大声说出来吧!
    [00:35.14]HorribIe, horribIe things are going to happen! 恐怖!可怕的灾难就要降临!
    [00:39.82]And they're gonna happen to you! And you! And you! And you. 会发生在你、你、你…还有你身上!
    [00:49.38]PeopIe of SpringfieId, heed1 this warning: 斯普林菲尔德的居民们 仔细听好下面的警告
    [00:53.22]Twisted taiI! 扭曲的尾巴
    [00:55.74]Trapped forever! 被困终生
    [00:55.90]A thousand eyes! 一千只眼睛
    [01:03.26]Dad, do something! 爸,快想想办法
    [01:03.94]This book doesn't have any answers! 《圣经》上根本没写该怎么办?
    [01:08.26]Beware! Beware! Time is short! 当心!当心!迫在眉睫!
    [01:14.98]BeIieve me! BeIieve me! 相信我!一定要相信我啊!
    [01:23.66]Thanks for Iistening. 多谢聆听!
    [01:29.54]Okay, who wants waffIes? 好啦,谁想吃蛋奶饼?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      辛普森一家      

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