


时间:2017-06-26 12:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:31.30]-You suck! -Shut up and pIay! - 真讨厌! - 闭嘴,继续演出! [03:32.34]-Preachy! -Were not being preachy. - 话唠! - 我们才不话唠呢! [03:37.02]But the poIIution in your Iake, its dissoIving our barge 1 . 但这
  • [03:31.30]-You suck!   -Shut up and pIay! - 真讨厌!   - 闭嘴,继续演出!
    [03:32.34]-Preachy!   -We're not being preachy. - 话唠!   - 我们才不话唠呢!
    [03:37.02]But the poIIution in your Iake, it's dissoIving our barge1. …但这儿湖里的污染物 正在吞噬我们的游艇!
    [03:42.38]I thought they touched on a vitaI issue. 我觉得他们谈及的问题至关重要
    [03:44.86]I beg to differ. 我可不这么想
    [03:50.74]GentIemen, it's been an honor pIaying with you tonight. 先生们,今晚能和你们同台演出 真是三生有幸
    [04:05.54](斯普林菲尔德第一教堂) (请将手机关闭)
    [04:16.82]For the Iatest rock band to die in our town. . . 悼念新近在这里死去的摇滚乐队
    [04:21.18]. . .Lord, hear our prayer. …主啊,请聆听我们虔诚的祈祷
    [04:22.02]Lord, hear our prayer. 主啊,聆听我们的祈祷
    [04:25.54]I hate being Iate. 我讨厌迟到!
    [04:26.22]WeII, I hate going. 我还讨厌来这里呢!
    [04:28.54]Why can't I worship the Lord in my own way. . . 为什么不能以我自己的方式向主祈祷呢?
    [04:31.54]. . .by praying Iike heII on my deathbed? 临死之时我一定会不停的祈祷祈祷!
    [04:33.58]Homer, they can hear you inside. 荷马,里面的人能听到你的!
    [04:35.22]ReIax. Those pious2 morons3 are too busy taIking to their phony-baIoney God. 别担心,里面那帮人正忙着应付 他们鬼话连篇的假主子呢!
    [04:42.26]How you doing? Peace be with you. Praise Jebus. 你好吗?祝你安康!婴孩狂欢
    [04:56.66]Today I'd Iike to try something a IittIe different. 今天我的宣讲形式与以往不同

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