


时间:2018-01-08 12:20来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:39.46]-How are you feeling? -lm all right. -你感觉怎样? -我没事 [04:40.82]Mike got arrested. 迈克给抓起来了 [04:43.42]What? 什么? [04:45.70]He fucked his drug counselors car up. They were on their way to a movie. 他把
  • [04:39.46]-How are you feeling? -l'm all right. -你感觉怎样? -我没事
    [04:40.82]Mike got arrested. 迈克给抓起来了
    [04:43.42]What? 什么?
    [04:45.70]He fucked his drug counselor's car up. They were on their way to a movie. 他把戒毒辅导员的车敲了 当时他们正要去看电影
    [04:56.82]A movie? 看电影?
    [00:02.10]Mike said he was trying to suck him off. 迈克说他想吮他的鸟
    [00:07.90]Then Mike chucked a rock through his car's passenger window. 然后迈克就朝车窗掼了一块石头
    [00:11.82]What is this sucking and chucking rocks? 什么是吮鸟和掼石头?
    [00:17.10]l mean, what is this? 我是说,这都是什么呀?
    [00:18.18]What did the guy say? 那家伙怎么说?
    [00:21.70]He said Mike tried to jack1 his wallet. 他说迈克想要铳他的皮夹子
    [00:30.94]What is this sucking and chucking and jacking and fucking-up, Son? 又是吮、又是掼、又是铳、又是敲的 儿子,这都是什么呀?
    [00:35.58]He's 15 years old! 他才15岁!
    [00:39.18]What is this shit? 这都是什么话?
    [00:41.78]-Where is he? -He's at home. -他在哪儿? -在家里
    [00:43.86]What is this? 这是什么啊?
    [00:44.94]Fuck. 操
    [00:56.46]Are you ready for the doctors? 你可以去见大夫了吧?
    [00:58.66]Yeah. 嗯
    [01:04.42]Got you! You're dead. 打中你了!你死了
    [01:07.34]l think just what he said happened, happened. 我觉得事情就像他说的那样
    [01:09.62]l think the guy was trying to make a move on him... 我看是那家伙想对他动手动脚...
    [01:11.78]and Mike got surprised and scared. 迈克被吓到了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      天气预报员      

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